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LED par 36


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Hi, I did a quick search but I couldn't get any result. I am thinking of purchasing a couple of LED pars as decorative lighting and something to play with really, these will be in a smallish room preferably mounted on the celing. I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about them, the best places to buy them, and which are the best type, beacuse I know that there are a lot of cheap copies etc.





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I've got a few of the Kam ones.. reasonable price and build quality. When on low levels the transformer makes an audible hum but it's nothing adding a few components shouldn't sort out. The difference in spill between the red green and blue isn't too bad but just to combat it I took the front off and fitted a bit of light frost behind the lens.
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hi, thanks, I was thinking of the more pin spot style ones does anyone have any thing to say about these, what they are like, etc and a price range, also as you said tvi675

I took the front off and fitted a bit of light frost behind the lens.

what do you mean by this as in a type of filter which you can get off lee etc, which diffuses the colour :P



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yes, he means a diffusion filter (of sorts). They're nice for the cheap LED pars if you're using them for close in architectural type stuff, I find. Can't comment on the pinspot type ones but we have loads of cheap Par56s and they're great for using in our nightclub seating areas as close-in colour.
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