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Anyone have much experience micing cajon. I understand these are very 'individual' in sound. Spanish engineers seem to mic the soundhole with a 57 about 2/3 inserted so to speak but I wonder if this can't be improved on - perhaps with the addition of a KM 84 or similar at the front (obviously Ø rev) for the slap?

Any experiences /advice would be much appreciated.


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I've had to mic quite a few of these of recent and one of the best ways I've seen is to use a beta 91 inside for the click of the sound and a beta 52 in the soundhole for the large part of the sound.


Also a 57 or something works well for the click part.






(FOH at Jazz World)

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I generally put a kick drum mic in the hole. Beta 52 or similar. I find that this works surprisingly well at picking up both the thud and the snares. I used to use a condenser as well to get the high end, but I decided that there was no need as the 52 tends to pick up the whole lot nicely.
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Watch it there are many different "cajones" but most of them are 2 types. "Cajón Peruano" it's the most typical one. It's the one that has only one big whole on the rear- most people here place a b-52 but an sm57 will work fine ). "Cajon flamenco" has a smaller hole in the middle but it's a lot bigger ( on this case people place the mic on the from ( generally I've seen sm's 57 there ).


I hope it helps.

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Cheers Chaps

I'll post my findings post gig.

All I know of the cajon concerned, before the guys arrive from Spain, is that it has a 'snare' & the sound hole is at the rear (hey that sounds like someone I know).

I'll also voice my opinion on the C411's I intend to use for monitor source on flamenco guitar.

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I'll also voice my opinion on the C411's I intend to use for monitor source on flamenco guitar.


Not sure if the guitarist would like you sticking these on.


How are you going to attach them Dave?


John Denim.

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Re stick on John, I'll use the 'blue tack' (well, black) stuff supplied by AKG - all clear with the guitar player, in fact he's taken the C411's away to experiment in the studio with sounds/positioning. I'll be meeting up before the gig to collect his thoughts.
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OK Dave,

Just checking! The AKG adhesive can sometimes mark the finish of a guitar, although they say its removable, I have known it to stain the varnish.


As it is a flemenco the rear mic positioning should be adequate, and also a c1000 (hahahahaha , don't ask paul ears) or similar condenser on a stand near the sound hole.


John Denim.

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* the pedals on the side of a cajon are to switch the snares on / off. They don't all have them, but fancy ones do*


In small gigs you can get away with just a 58 on the back hole. I play one on a regular basis and am happy if that's the engineer's choice. Obviously for the best, a lovely condensor on the front makes the slap sound wicked. I actually bought mine after I'd engineered for a band who had one as I thought it waqs one of the coolest sounds I'd heard from such a small box.

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