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Outdoor Event


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Morning Blue Room,

Some advice please.


The event

A four day event at Leeds Castle in Kent for a dog trial. Think an rectangle display area where the dogs have to perform various disciplines with their handlers.


The idea is to have the action projected onto a big outdoor screen for spectators to get good close up of events. What I need to know having never used one of these are

1/ Costs involved

2/ H+S issues

3/ do they come with operators

4/ reputable companies

5/ any other issues


One definate that we will be doing is the hire of plasma screens to be put in Marquees on site. These will be used for up to date scores, sponsors logos and a looping powerpoint / video through out the event.


Is there a solution getting the signal from one laptop to all 3 plasmas bearing in mind they will be up to 100m apart without dragging wires all over the place.


If there is a wireless solution again how much will it cost etc.

While I am writing I just thought could we get that same signal to the big screen as well and what would be the solutution.


I think thats it - any questions feel free to ask


kind regards


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Hi Andy,


It is quite difficult to go ant further really without some idea of budget.


Both Onyx and XL Video could help you out with a Barco B10 Trailer mounted LED screen of which I have a lot of experience, but it is quite dear I think you are looking at about £2000 for a day, but with the right contacts you can get reasonable discounts. It would probably cost another £250.00ish to get an operator, probably a freelancer who could ooperate the screen and set up the plasma screens for you as well a manage the screen and content for you


Projection really isn't much of a solution in daylight, without spending huge amounts of cash on blacking out and arena brightness projectors and then there is the whole issue of weather proofing which you don't get with LED screens.


As for the Plasma screens in the Marquees traditionally running cables from a DA to each plasma screen is a first choice, but recently I have had some success using a wireless PC network and a multi site netmeeting to share the text between several laptops.


Obviously then there is the the question of cameras, do you want fixed cameras, camcorders on the end of a BNC, or high end cameras on a cable, or even on a microwave link?


If you want to have a more in depth chat about various solutions I have used recently feel free to PM me and I'll give you a ring. Its far easier to discuss this sort of thing in real life rather than in a forum like


As a proud handler myself it sounds like quite an interesting show to be involved in, if I'm not working and you can send me more details I might just come along anyway as Leeds castle isn't that far from me.




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Its worth noting that there are lots of places that can do the LED screens such as big tv or www.fonix.co.uk as well as the usual suspects. if you try some of these guys you may get very good prices.


Also these screens can often have their costs covered by on screen advertising and adverts around the screen. These are often easier to secure than you might think when you have a captive audience.


For the Plasma's there would be lots of options available to you such as a wireless video link via a pc network or a standard piece of kit such as microwave links.


As mentioned above there are also lots of options available on cameras ranging from these being on cables, micro links or even items like the remote controlled HD camera's from sony.


I think your first bet will be to decide on the screen you want and then speak to various suppliers about your other requirements.


Hope this helps


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  • 1 month later...



Are you still interested in doing this event, I am located 10 minutes from Leeds castle and I'm more than happy to offer you advice or equitment.




Show your balls


Morning Blue Room,

Some advice please.


The event

A four day event at Leeds Castle in Kent for a dog trial. Think an rectangle display area where the dogs have to perform various disciplines with their handlers.


The idea is to have the action projected onto a big outdoor screen for spectators to get good close up of events. What I need to know having never used one of these are

1/ Costs involved

2/ H+S issues

3/ do they come with operators

4/ reputable companies

5/ any other issues


One definate that we will be doing is the hire of plasma screens to be put in Marquees on site. These will be used for up to date scores, sponsors logos and a looping powerpoint / video through out the event.


Is there a solution getting the signal from one laptop to all 3 plasmas bearing in mind they will be up to 100m apart without dragging wires all over the place.


If there is a wireless solution again how much will it cost etc.

While I am writing I just thought could we get that same signal to the big screen as well and what would be the solutution.


I think thats it - any questions feel free to ask


kind regards


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