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Fat Frog Chase fading


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Hi Guys,


Many of you will know from my recent related post (Mods please merge with this one if it is appropriate) that I'm currently learning to use a Fat Frog ;) . Thanks again to those who contributed to that thread, I have now managed to do everything I was confused about.


Something else has come up though... when programing a chase, how do I get the steps to 'crossfade' from one to the next? The manual doesn't seem to explain the meaning of all the 'modifiers' clearly, and I've tried changing things willy-nilly but it still 'snaps' from one step to the next. Setting the 'attack' button to the fourth option (crossfade? looks like ^ symbol) causes each step to fade up and down, but fading to complete darkness in between steps.


Also, is it possible to set speeds for each seperate chase, so if I have two running together, they are not both stuck to the same speed as set by the global speed knob?


Thanks in anticipation for any info,




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Off the top of my head it is controlled by the fade up and fade down times. I also think that chase needs to be programmed to use them.


The main reason for replying ben is that this is the sound forum. Try the lighting one for a query with lighting desks.


Moderation: As 2 posters have pointed out, this was posted in the wrong forum.

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To the right of the small screen there are 2 columns of buttons. The second column controls the chase options. At the bottom should be the speed dial for the speed of the chase. Other buttons include the direction of the chase (forwards, backwards or bounce) and another will control teh fade of the chase /\ will fade up and down between steps, /| will fade up and snap off |\ flash on fade off |-| snap on snap off. Press the button next to the symbols and the red LED will change to the symbol you want


The fade times on normal cues still apply to the chases so you can have a chase slowly fade in or out


hope this helps



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The Fade up and Fade down times displayed on the Memories screen determine how the chase memory itself fades in when the memory is triggered.


Once the chase is actually running, it is the chase modifiers that determine how the steps are output, what triggers these steps, in which order they are output and the channel transitions from one step to the next.


Attack - determines the transition between steps and applies to generic and fixture brightness channels only - there are four options ... Snap, Slow Attack, Slow Decay and crossfade.


Colour Action - determines the transition between steps and applies to fixture colour channels only - there are two options ... Snap or Fade.


Beamshape Action - determines the transition between steps and applies to fixture beamshape channels only - there are two options ... snap or Fade.


Position Action - determines the transition between steps and applies to fixture position channels only - there are two options ... Snap or Fade.

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