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Help - 75mm Splints - Where?


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Help needed - 75mm Truss / Traverse Splints - Where To Buy?


Hi y'all, First Post (be gentle now..) - thanks also for many tons of free advice otherwise, maybe I can provide some back now I have finally registered.. However, enough about you lot :-) what *I* really need now is.. ;-)


- looking for 75mm (length) truss/traverse splint suppliers, anyone can help - standard otherwise nowadays seems to be 65mm. Tried a few of the obvious resellers, most say only 65mm avail, some (Hello, Thomann..) cannot say what length they have (cheers..). It is really not my forte either, as you may have guessed, however, the (currently-dismembered) pipes I have inherited are (naturallly..) standard 50mm, reinforced to 65mm diameter at the joints (hence need for 75mm splints) - no-name or markings otherwise (maybe custom?)


Anyone can help with a 75mm splint supplier?, be most grateful, otherwise, any help on identifying possible manufacturers, etc - would have the splints custom-made if needed, just I would hate to specify the wrong material etc., (alu/steel/what_alloy?) - plus I suspect these must be a standard item, just one with which I am currently unfamiliar?


Many, many thanks in advance, cheers, *test.

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