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will my pa have enough power??


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my daughter has just started out as a solo singer and so far has been singing at places like golf clubs, legions etc that I guess hold up to about 150 people.She has just been asked today to sing at a hotel in front of 250 to 300 people and I'm worried that our pa will be up to the job.

Our pa only consists of a pair of EAW jfx290 speakers (12") biamped run by 1 crown xti2000 and 1 xti4000.We also use a dynacord cms1000 mixer,lexicon pcm91 and a spl channel one compressor.

It's all good stuff but I just wonder if it will be loud enough? I'm sure what we have is not ideal but do you think we can get away with it? I'm going to add a couple of bins later on but can't really afford to splash out 2 to 3 grand on them and an amp at this time.when we went to a similar event a few months back the dj there was just using a pair of jbls on sticks which seemed loud enough but they may have been 15"'s wheres we have 12"s.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I guess you only learn this kind of thing from experience.

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my daughter has just started out as a solo singer and so far has been singing at places like golf clubs, legions etc that I guess hold up to about 150 people.She has just been asked today to sing at a hotel in front of 250 to 300 people and I'm worried that our pa will be up to the job.

Our pa only consists of a pair of EAW jfx290 speakers (12") biamped run by 1 crown xti2000 and 1 xti4000.We also use a dynacord cms1000 mixer,lexicon pcm91 and a spl channel one compressor.

It's all good stuff but I just wonder if it will be loud enough? I'm sure what we have is not ideal but do you think we can get away with it? I'm going to add a couple of bins later on but can't really afford to splash out 2 to 3 grand on them and an amp at this time.when we went to a similar event a few months back the dj there was just using a pair of jbls on sticks which seemed loud enough but they may have been 15"'s wheres we have 12"s.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I guess you only learn this kind of thing from experience.




Assuming that my figures are correct for your speakers (500watts RMS passive, 500w LF & 200 HF BiAmped, with and Max SPL of 130dB then your speakers are more that powerful for vocals and a backing track.


I your gonna upgrade then a good set of subs ain't gonna be 2k or 3k, try £200 to £300 and don't need any new amps cause you crowns would handle all it set up right!

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thanks very much for your reply.The EAW website says lf/hf peak 130/133 so your figures seem right so from what you are saying we should be ok which is great news!

RE the cost of subs,if I get a pair of EAW sbx220's which they say go with what I've got (they have 2 12" drivers in them) the price in America is approx $1400 each,so I guess over here that wil equate to £1400 each.I know I could get something cheaper but as the tops we have are top quality I think it would be a bad move buying cheap bins to go with.

Also if I want to continue to bi amp the tops I would need another amp (maybe another crown xti4000 at £650) to run them.

thanks very much again for taking the time to reply.

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the price in America is approx $1400 each,so I guess over here that wil equate to £1400 each.


Actually exchange rate is about 1.9 dollars to the pound so it would be around £800 each. (approx)

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the price in America is approx $1400 each,so I guess over here that wil equate to £1400 each.


Actually exchange rate is about 1.9 dollars to the pound so it would be around £800 each. (approx)



plus shipping (which would be costly because of the weight and import tax which from memory cost me about 20% on my amps a year or so ago)

I've been quoted £995 + vat each over here.

anyway my original guess of 2 to 3 thousand pounds for a pair and an amp to power them I guess would not be too far out.

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Actually exchange rate is about 1.9 dollars to the pound so it would be around £800 each. (approx)
We almost never get charged a direct conversion for $. Until very recently expecting to pay a direct $ to £ was usually quite close to the mark.


To the OP, I don't know the speakers, but if you want to play safe, why not hire some kit for the gig? It won't cost too much, you won't fall flat on your face if you do need more oomph, and you get to try before you buy.

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