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What is the best spec proj for long distance outdoor projection?


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I am a digital video artist and work with outdoor projections with various surfaces and distances, from projecting off cliffs onto the sea and boats to fields and trees. As you can tell these are not the normal environments for projectors to be used for and I have, up till now, been hiring an Epson EMP8300, 5200 lumen and 1500 contrast. It does the job but I have to really pump up the contrast on any video I use otherwise it just bleaches out at long distances, also it is a heavy unit.

I have decided to buy a projector but only really have an absolute maximum budget of 2k..

Can anyone help me with understanding what might be the best brand to go for and what would be a better lumen/contrast ratio for the environments and textured surfaces I'm useing it for.


Many thanks Jess

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I would be very surprised if you can find a projector, even 2nd hand, for £2k that will come anywhere near the spec you're after.

Up to around 3000 lumens there's a reasonable selection, but over that the choice goes down and the price goes up exponentially.

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Is it worth hiring to take advantage of the right kit for the job? As Adam Harman says getting bright machines is going to be hard with only 2k. Most of the sensible machines have a a trade price of over £2k.


I'd also reckon it's more to do with the fact that your spreading the light over fairly wide areas and non-reflective surfaces, rather than the throw that causes the issues you mention. With 5000 lumens over a wide area you'll have a low brightness image, and your bumping the brightness to try and make it look brighter. The only true way to increase this is to up the brightness.


Personally I'd be suggesting something around the 10,000 Lumen mark, but then you'll be looking for around £15k to spend.... And 30kg

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Look up this lot on ebay they may have some thing that works, (I have not dealt with them but they advertise pro second hand projectors and lenses):




Items like this: Item number: 140224045141


or this DP LIGHTNING 15sx digital video projector 12,000 lumens

HDTV, 1080i, Wide range of lenses available, remote inc Item number: 180233812628

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