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WYSIWYG student edition


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have used it a lot and can tell you its worth the money if you are going to get alot of use out of it. also best to bave at lease and A3 printer to get a good scale print out, gets a bit hard to see medium rigs+ on A4.

it is worth waiting to see what happens with your nui interviews as I am at CSSD and we have access to the full version at uni, so any work I need I tend to do there now.

obvious things like works much better on a faster comp, and its better if you can set up a 2 screen system.

there are no bugs to speak of and no silly things like people have reported like it printing "For Educational Purposes Only"

all in all very usefull, takes a little getting used to but when you can do it, you can do so much. good bit of software but dont spend the cash unless you need it and are going to et alot of use out of it.

and dont forgett, its £75+vat but thats only for 1 year.


hope this helps.


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As a user of WYSIWYG 4, I cannot comment on how functional the student version is, however, for a £75 price tag, is HAS to worth the money......... I forgot exactly how much Version 4 was, but it was over £1,000. And I think that was worth every penny.............. so............ go buy!
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its not £75 flat, its only a 1 year contract and after that you hve to pay again. yes wysiwyg 4 is well worth the money even though its so expensive, howevr the thing about if its worth it depends if you will get £75 worht of use out of it, if so then its worth it for you, if not then its not, simple as that, value can only be placed on an object dependign on the value to the individual and can not be done as a general "good value".

Peter if you will get £75 + use out of it then its worth it, if not then dont spend the money, simple as that.

the sofware is very good and very useful but only worth the money if you will get £75 worth of use out of it.



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But just as a note, it is only £75 (ex vat) a year for subscription, you can continue to use it after a year without subscription, you just dont get fixture updates, and if anything magnificantly different comes out then you could get by without re-subscribing if it came to it.


I've got wyg report and its v useful, no bugs that I have found as yet, works exactly as the standard report does, and as mentioned, it doesnt add anything stupid to printouts, the only thing it adds is the wysiwyg report logo to the bottom left corner, which hey doesnt really matter, goes shows what software your using.


But as Ben mentioned, if your going to get the use out of it then go for it, if your not really going to use it all that often then hang around until you do find you need something...


(also suggest you get the usb dongle for it, they are lovely! little purple things (aaahhhhh!!!!))



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the dongle is what the money is for, whats really what you get for your money, everything else(as in the software) can be downloaded, its the dongle that you plug in and it tells wysiwyg that it is alowed to work, well thats a bit simple for what it really does but thats what it does as far as the end user is concerned.
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  • 16 years later...



Does anyone know what's happened to WYSIWYG, there isn't an academic tab on the pricing anymore and I'm unable to find out if theres a student version that is avalible.


The price list still has Student lease versions, although the list itself is dated 2015.

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  • 9 months later...



Does anyone know what's happened to WYSIWYG, there isn't an academic tab on the pricing anymore and I'm unable to find out if theres a student version that is avalible.


The price list still has Student lease versions, although the list itself is dated 2015.


It looks like CAST has been quietly working on a special Educational Edition of Design and Perform for students and teachers and price appears to have been drastically reduced now there is no dongle involved! https://cast-soft.com/students/

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