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Soft edged profile in WYSIWYG R20


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I’m currently experimenting with WYSIWYG R20 Perform and have a set of S4s as a front of house cover. I cannot however find anywhere within the software to make them soft edged. I am very familiar with WYSIWYG R15 Report and have been using if for several years for drafting plots and so have never needed to look for this function before. I have tried putting a frost in but this doesn’t seem to make much difference. I have looked in the reference guide but that proved fruitless. Does anyone have any suggestions as I’m probably overlooking something obvious?


Thanks in advanced,



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Well I appreciate the math may be complicated but that is ridiculous!

When you consider how much the software costs, in terms of both initial outlay and ongoiing subscription, then yes, it is ridiculous. A soft-focussed profile is one of the most fundamental tools in stage lighting, and the supposedly industry-leading visualisation package can't simulate it.


Having said that, I don't know whether the most recent release has accquired this functionality (I suspect not, but who knows?) - my subscription lapsed after R19, as I objected to paying out every single year for increasingly infrequent product updates which didn't bring any additional benefit from the point of view of the way in which I use the software.

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Wysiwyg will simulate soft edges if the settings are set correctly within the Render Wizard. As to future releases, The shaded views are all being revamped over the next few releases. Apparently there are also going to be big changes to the CAD engine over the next year or so as well.
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Hi Andy…


What would be the correct settings in the render wizard to achieve this?


This would be applied to the whole render so trying to achieve hard and soft focused profiles is presumably impossible?



Yes that is correct at the moment a profile is considered hard edged.. (Rightly or wrongly thats just the way it is unfortunately) however a you can achieve a softer edge on fresnels and Pars by playing around with the Presence settings. I would go from one extreme to the other just to see what happens. As always a render depends on numerous settings. Unfortunately its to big to upload here but I have a render of a bank of Parcans which are all throwing nice soft edged beams onto the floor. So it is possible.



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Wysiwyg will simulate soft edges if the settings are set correctly within the Render Wizard.

With all due respect, Andy, that answer is misleading in the context of this topic. The question the OP asked was "Will WYG allow profiles to be focussed with a soft edge?" ... and the answer is an unequivocal NO.

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Wysiwyg will simulate soft edges if the settings are set correctly within the Render Wizard.

With all due respect, Andy, that answer is misleading in the context of this topic. The question the OP asked was "Will WYG allow profiles to be focussed with a soft edge?" ... and the answer is an unequivocal NO.


As is stated in the next post down from me.


Also with all due respect Gareth you are now several releases behind, and you are probably not aware of what effect some of the changes have had.

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Also with all due respect Gareth you are now several releases behind, and you are probably not aware of what effect some of the changes have had.

On the contrary - Cast Software seem to take delight in sending me (and, no doubt, others like me who've decided to give up on their product) snotty e-mails reminding us that we're no longer "subscribers in good standing" and telling us all about the new things they've added to the program (not enough to tempt me to re-subscribe, sadly). And it still doesn't alter the fact that the current version still won't allow you to, say, soften the focus on a gobo (well, not as far as I can see from the blurb on the website, at least).

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