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flightcase stickers

Jon T

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Hey. I was wondering where I could find some "branded logo's......martin,strand etc) stickers for my trunk flightcase. I am willing to pay for them. I just want to spice my flightcase up a bit.** laughs out loud **





(sorry....spelt sticker wrong !!)


Make your own!!


Download Martin Logo, Grapgocs using there image database (here) and then make sticker using publisher or something and print on to Avery Sticker Paper (You can get glossy sticker paper as well I think).


It would be worth a try



Alternately you could go for the "professional" look and keep your flightcases clean and in good nick. Talking of flight cases don't yer just love those aussie ones. You know the ones that you get when you buy new kit - usually made of cardboard. I wish more people would use them :D.


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