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VL 1000 Help!!


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Hi Guys,

I wonder if anyone could help me. Currently having some problems with our VL 1000's, using them on our 520i. Somebody has kindly cocked about with our desk and removed most of our fixtures, and deleted all kinds of stuff!


Basically, I can't seem to find a fixture number to send the units to their home positions when hung on the bar and they are doing crazy things. So in short, I need to know how I can put them back to their home attribute. I know there's an easy way of doing it (failing simply re-calibrating the unit) but I need to do it within a show, so can't.


Any help would be much appreciated and greatly received.


Kind regards,


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Homing a fixture in terms of setting it to a 50/50/open sort of position from the desk isn't really done by fixture numbers as such (except in that you need to tell the desk which fixtures to 'home'!). Unlike a proper moving light desk, which will have some sort of highlight/home function built in, on a GeniusPro desk you have to make yourself a preset focus group which contains the values that you want each parameter to go to for a 'home' position.
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Thanks for your quick response mate, however I am sure that their is a way of doing it somehow. As with fixtures such as making the lanterns do can can, triangles etc etc. Anyone else got any ideas? Many thanks again, Steve.
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Agreed; any desk that has a home preset is just a pre-programmed short cut to doing exactly what Gareth said.


I run a Virtuoso DX, and we programmed the home by using the built-in soft reset for the VL1000, and recording that as a preset (both full reset, and P/T only).



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Thanks for your quick response mate, however I am sure that their is a way of doing it somehow.

Err .. no. I've just taken the trouble to explain to you that there isn't. I've been using 500-series desks to program moving lights for quite some time, and I know what I'm talking about. You really should believe me ...


As with fixtures such as making the lanterns do can can, triangles etc etc.

These aren't functions that are directly related to fixtures - they are preset focus groups that apply to the shape values (attribute 91 onwards). If you want a 'home' group, you have to make it yourself, as there isn't one by default. Take my word for it ..


Edit : oh, by the way - the way you've worded your original post doesn't quite make it 100% clear whether you're actually referring to homing the fixtures as in resetting them, or sending them to a home position (i.e. pan/tilt at 50/50, open white, all effects out of the beam) ... which is it?

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Just one note, I was under the impression there was only one meaning to the term homing a fixture, that is the 50/50, dimmer full, shutter open, colour and gobo and effects out...

Resetting the fixtures is a completely different thing (usually described as soft reset or hard) which enables the unit to re-calibrate...

But the original post is not quite as clear as maybe helpful, by reseting the fixture wont nessecarily clear the unit to home as the desk will still be outputting DMX commands to the fixture...


But, I dont use Strand desks these days, but from my limited rememberance of the days I used to then I am sure Gareth is right and you will have to make a preset to home your fixtures, and by the sounds of it, you dont nessecarily want to conventionally home your fixtures during a show as you will end up with straight down spots all over the place... So possibly easiest is to make a preset of your own home look, and then run through the cuestack and add it where it needs to be...


Additionally, As a thought as I dont remember, but another strand operator may know, does the Strand have a release key, if you have a moving head selected and attributes selected, can you click release to release them to their default values? (I know this works on proper moving light desks)

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Hi Guys,

I wonder if anyone could help me. Currently having some problems with our VL 1000's, using them on our 520i. Somebody has kindly cocked about with our desk and removed most of our fixtures, and deleted all kinds of stuff!


Are you talking about Arts depots VLs by any chance? If you are It was me who set your desk up when I was there programing your christmas show!

I would say re load that show (Fungus the bogey man) and all the fixtures groups and macros I put in will be there!. Easy!.

If not the fixture number is 99 and is called farse depot vl 1000 pete watts!!

If you are talking about some where else I would do the same thing, re load the last show before someone "cocked about" and what ever you had will still be there.

Gareth is right there is no preset home group you have to record your own. mine is aways group 100.

HTH Pete

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I have been using strand 500 series desks since the 1990's and VL1000's a lot for the last 5 years and what Gareth has said is true. It is eay to make a group for the home position and quicker to do just do it.



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Gareth is right there is no way to do it other than in preset groups


doing exactly what Gareth said


I am sure Gareth is right and you will have to make a preset to home your fixtures


Gareth is right there is no preset home group you have to record your own


what Gareth has said is true

NOW do you believe me?!?! :P

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