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MagicQ new version


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Still no support for any of the make your own DMX dongles

Why is this important? 99.9% of people who use this proboably won't have the ability to make one anyway. Much better just to use an Artnet box.



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  • 2 weeks later...
So will this PC version output  from a box such as the Artistic Liscence Net-link OP with no restrictions?

I have mentioned my experiences in another thread "Virtual desks".


I have tested both input and output on all 6 universes, using both 2 MagicQ applications on two different machines, and ethereal (ethernet monitor program, with ArtNet protocol) and ArtNet monitor. It works both input and output on 6 universes, although it seems you're only able to choose the between the first 16 universes out of 256 possible.


You might also set DMX in/out on parallell port as in Artistic Lisence Dongle (I/II), or both ArtNet universe and parallell port. I have only one dongle, so I haven't found out/tested how to use several parallell ports.


I also use an ordinary touch LCD screen, LG Flatron L1510SF. Works ok, especially on the "touchscreen" within the application.


The only thing I really miss, apart from an (USB) faderwing or more, is the ability to use the mousewheel after selecting (left mousebutton down on) a virtual fader or encoder.


Another thing, it seems like one need to copy the instruments/heads profiles from the older version.

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