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zero 88's light converse vs martin light jockey 2

Joe Bleasdale

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hi all,

which do you think is better for 3D visulisation, zero 88's light converse or martins light jockey 2? Yes I am going to spend 100's on a piece of software to play with and make shows! But which one? I got a quote for:


  • Light jockey 2 with DMX interface = £850
  • light converse with DMX interface = £660

so which one?



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I guess it's another one of those "depends what you prefer". Some people like lightjockey, others lightconverse. I have a little experience with both - demos downloaded and played with - and I have to say that I prefer lightconverse, as I couldn't work out how to use MLJ but then that could just be me being silly!
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Hi Joe


Light Converse is a visualisation software, designed for pre-visualisation of your programming from a desk. Light Factory is the PC control software you're looking for if you're comparing with Light Jockey - list price for 1 Universe including a dongle is £299. Demo available from our website.

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