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Turbosound or HK (or Mackie)


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Hi All,


I'm brand new here, but regularly lurk.


I'm looking at replacing a system with about 1.5-2kW for about 2 grand. I've come up with the following options:


Mackie SRM450 (x2) + SWA 1801 (x2)


HK Premium Pro 15 (x2) + HK Premium Pro 18S (x2) + QSC GX5 x2 + DBX Driverack PA


Turbosound TDX115 (x2) + Turbosound TDX121 (x2) + QSC GX5 x2 + maybe Driverack


The Turbosounds are smaller and less powerful than the alternatives, but I'm sure they'll sound nicer.


Which of the following lineups would you chose?


What would you change if you could?


Any input greatly appreciated.




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The driverack pa would go for a start, have a search of the forum to find out why, it comes up very often. It all depends on what your trying to do with your system, if you can cope with slightly less volume then the turbosounds are probably going to be your best bet. And if your looking at carrying your gear around I would be weary of the Mackie SRM450's, the new model which is produced in the far east is a compleatly different build quality to when they were built in italy. You havent mentiond an RCF system there, you could be looking at the art range or a pair of 4 pro 6001 tops, which are 2x 12" low with a 6" mid and a 2" compression driver, however all those drivers make it big and very heavy, but a very warm sounding cab with an asonishing amount of volume.



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have you looked at the qsc hpr range? it's powered boxes that sound fantastic for their price..


However there still a realivley unproven cab, as opposed to the other systems which are older systems and therefor a more redifined cab. Which brings up another question, are you looking for a powerd or unpowerd system? We need alot more info before we can give you any more definate information/



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There is no doubt the Mackie sub is going to give you more grunt than the 15 inch turbo box, but the mackie subs do weigh slightly more than North Yorkshire.


Can't comment on the amps as I've yet to hear them. I can however recommend the Crown XTI 4000's which, apart from a couple of teething problems have proved reliable with good sounding results. DSP is built in so you can scrap the idea of the Godawful DRPA. It may however send you over budget.

What prices have you been quoted for the QSC Amps? They're not massively powerful. They do concern me, it is the first time in YEARS that I have seen amps that have a single channel driven rating aswell. And to have a 20% loss in power when both channels are driven tells me this may be a massively reduced and underspec'd Power supply.


I could of course be wrong, they may be very very good indeed.


Thomanns TA2400 are still the best bang for buck out there, but are a little heavy.

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Hi thanks for the advice so far....


The setup is going to be a mobile job - set up and taken down at least once a week - most likely thrown and battered about a bit too. Amps will be in full flight cases. Looking for setup time to be as short and pain free as possible.


QSC Amps are 275 a pop, which seems reasonable enough (granted they are a budget range, but they look reasonably well designed)... Would a TA2400 be preferable?


If I'm going for a passive system - what is best to replace the DriveRack with - I was planning to use it as a Xover + EQ.


Thanks again,


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like rob said, those crown XTI amps may be over budget, but have their own processors built in. if you still want to look cheaper there's always the behringer DCX2496. I have one of those myself, and I cant fault it as of yet. you can't use most of these processors as graphic EQ anyway, so I'd also look at separate outboard for that.


with regard to the driverack PA, you can search through the numerous thread on it for why it has a tendancy to blow things up :) the new driverack 260 has EQ built in to it, but personally I dont fancy using a jog wheel for such a task. I've heard good things about it otherwise.

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I'm just in the middle of installing a turbo/QSC system in our School Hall. I've only got the tops (TXD 151's) up and they sound great. We have TXD118's for the bottom end but not got the cabling in yet. Running 2 x QSC PLX 1804's and a Driverack PA. I've heard much critical discussion of it on here, but in the flesh no one I have spoken to has a bad word to say about it. I am aware of it's 'pop-ability', but used correctly with a suitable UPS it should be ok. I'm finding it ver user friendly so far.

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Have a look at the Proel Neos range subs are a bit heavy 36 kilos but effective and the Tops 112's are great 16 kilos aggressive but manageable.


Also check out the HZ SB6 subbass and Z500 tops. With regards to amps agree with the XTi crowns if you get the programming of the onboard dsp right.

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That confirms which HK boxes you have from your other post. If only I'd read the topics in the right order.


I have a pair of Premium pro 12's, and a pair of covers for them. That's OT isn't it.


They do sound pretty good actually, better than the 15's but then again most 12's do.




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I agree with rob about the weight of those bloody mackies! I have given up trying to carry them, just wack them on a palet truck or sack wagon instead! Which is great when you have a nice smooth wearhouse floor, however maby something you need to be thinking about in the 'field'. Basically to clear things up about the driverack for you, they have a tendancy to blow high frequencey drivers (and ear drums) when power is lost to them. However the driverack 260 is an awesom bit of kit, there really nice to use aswell, and will save you so much space compared to an outboard rack!


Oh and another vote for the Crown XTi amp range, they are fantastic for there price, twice the amp the QSC's are.


However if your looking for a quicker set up time then an active system is probably the way to go. You still havent specified which type of system you want yet?


If you looking at an Active system then I would be looking at RCF's, they produce a much nicer sound from there boxes than most of the other powerd cabs in there price range. The ART 322A Is actually a really nice sounding cab for it being plastic, and there new digital range (522 and 552) are enormously loud whilst still being lighter than the other cabs in the range, and te little 15" sub puts out a fair old whack aswell for such a small cab. Where are you located? We might be able to set up a demo for you if your located neer one of our branches.




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I agree with rob about the weight of those bloody mackies!



Yup totally agree there ;) We have 4 of them (1801), and they're somewhere around the 68Kg mark. Lifting and carrying them is pretty much a 2 man job.


They do provide a bit of punch tho' for what they are....

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