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Indoor Stage Hire


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Firstly, I'm really sorry. This thread might annoy a few people due to the nature of it.


I'm looking to hire some staging, the event will be in Warwick or that area.

I'm after a total stage size of 8m x 6m, with 1m height and three sets of treads up to that 1m height.

Not after any coverings etc.

It's short notice, from the 14th March through to the 25th March.

Not after any particular decking surface; it'll be bands playing. I'm told we have rubber matting to prevent damage. If not a layer of carpet under and around the drum kit is a definate.


I've been phoning around all morning, well, since I woke up <_< and am waiting for people to get quotes back to me.


If any of you have any ideas of companies I could phone, even if they're your own, then I'd be very grateful.


Many many many thanks in advance.



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Stagepoint in Honiley (just outside of Kenilworth) - they have all sorts of staging, are very friendly and probably just around the corner from your event.


Talk to Cally on the hire desk (and know - I dont work for them, but I have used them and they are nice people!)

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