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Frog operating software

Jon T

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The differences between the old frog sofftware and the latest version (9.2) are the following.


N Shot chases- determine how many times you wnat a chase to run

Pan/Titl reverse

Edit Blind Function

Beat Drive modifier for chases

Live ajustment of chase modifiers

More submaster pages (increased to 20)

SX Button changes (Mambo only)


It can be downloaded for free from the Zero 88 Website and more info can be found in the Frog Support Forums



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Actually just to add three more things to that I foound a min ago;



Submaster name displayed on main LCD.


Fade Times and LTP actions can be adjusted on SX buttons programmed with channel data or transferred memory (Mambo Frog).


Desk Defaults - reorganised into Memory, Submaster and SX sections.



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We bought a fat frog in november so would it have the new software on it??




I very much doubt it'll have any of the 9.x software releases on it, esp if it's been on a dealers shelf for god knows how long!



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We bought a fat frog in november so would it have the new software on it??




Noit deffinetly wouldn't have as the new release only came out about a month ago!


Here are instructions to download and install it if you wnat;


Download the zip file from the Zero 88 website onto your PC.


Unzip the file.


Copy the .osf file onto a new or freshly formatted floppy disk.


Switch your desk off.


Insert floppy disk into desk.


Switch your desk on.


If a monitor is connected the screen shows:


Checking for an upgrade disk

Reading OS file, please wait (xx%)


Wait until the desk has read the disk and the following instructions appear on the main LCD:.


Frog OS Upgrade

Version 9.2.


[Continue] {Cancel}


Confirm that you wish to continue by pressing ENTER.


The main LCD then shows:


Any shows stored on

the desk will be


[install] {Cancel}


Confirm that you wish to install by pressing ENTER.


The main LCD will then show the various operations it is carrying out during the installation process.


Wait until the following message appears on the main LCD:


Installation Done,

Please remove disk,

and switch desk off

and back on.


Remove the floppy disk from the drive.


Switch the desk off and back on.


Quote from Potassium Neuf/ K-9 from Frog Support



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Lies!!! Yes you can, Sam.  Unless they've changed that in Version 9.2, which I very much doubt.

Indeed I am a LIER!


I have just tried it on my phantom, I will have even more fun in those boring crap Amdram shows now!


Peter you have made my day by letting me know this!


:D Sam :D

Currently smiling from head to foot in light of the new findings

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