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sanyo pro-x won't fully switch on


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I know it's an old projector now, but we are using a Sanyo Pro-x, but it won't switch on. The power lights come on OK, press the on button and the fans start spinning, we even start to here sound coming through the on-board speaker, but after ten seconds it starts to switch itself off, going into high fan speed. This problem has slowly progressed, I used to press the reset button, to start it back up, and at first this worked. Ten after a week or so, it would need 2 resets to get the system to power up, then three and so on. The last time it worked I was pressing the reset up to 8 times before any picture came up. Now can't get any picture. Please help, we have a show on this weekend and need it up and running.
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Hi, We had almost exactly the same problem with our Sanyo. It turned out to be the power supply. Apparently they are well known for it. In our case a worn bearing on a fan was causing the current sensor in the PSU to shut it down. The problem started as a little bug were every three or four times when it was powered up it would not start. That escalted to it not starting at all even with several hard resets. Luckily for us it happened in month 34 of a 36 month warranty but would have been around £250 for a new psu and fan.


Hope that helps



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