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Sanyo XP 55 /57 Len's

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  • 2 weeks later...

There will be loads of people in the yorkshire area with these sort of lens as they are the most common ratio's. The easiest thing to do it to stick "Sanyo hire in Yorshire" into say google. If you can not find the people with the same projectors as you but they have the correct ratio as long as they are from the XP range it will be complatable with yours. If all else fails you can use a Christie LX range lens as they are basicaly Sanyo projectors re branded.


Any more questions just ask.



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I wouldn't say if all else fails with regard to the Christie stuff- they are exactly the same units, and the recent lenses I've had off Christie are still boxed in Sanyo boxes. It's just that they have a light grey enclosure rather than the metallic grey of the Sanyo.


Do note that the Christie LX380, and LX440 and LX500 are equivalent to the Sanyo XT range, and use a different lens system that does not fit the XP range. Generally the models with a double digit number will have the same lens details, so something like LX40, 50 etc. Then you get to the LX100 and LX120 which are equivalent to the Sanyo XF range....


And guess who makes the actual LCD panels that are inside the Sanyo/Christie/Eiki machines? Sony......

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