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License Agreements


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Hi all,


First of all, I am unaware if this is the right location for this topic, and if it isn't I apologise in advance to the mods.


So, down to business!


My school runs a film club and there are lots of, well... films produced, We have been using www.freeplaymusic.com for all of our music and we have used some of their music in a school talent show which is to be reproduced and sold.


I have looked at the licensing of the site - http://freeplaymusic.com/licensing/termsofuse.php - and from what I can see, we are ok to use their music but it would be great if you could confirm this for me.


Thanks in advance, Scott.

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I suggest you contact them since I have a feeling you may be under section 5.c.8 which means you have to get a license and pay a fee.


Also you say you will be selling the talent show which contains the music which I'm sure means you will be required to pay a fee.



We regularly film our Musical productions, copy and sell them to members of the cast and crew ONLY. We only sell them for the cost of making the copy. Technically this is illegal since we only have royalties to put on the performance not video it but since it is for private sale only within our group we keep it on the quiet. I cannot endorse doing this though, its just an example.

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The good news, Scott, is that it isn't your problem - who takes the money people pay? Which bank account is it paid into? What is the name of the account? I'm guessing it's your school - not your own account. As you're under 16, everything you do at school, even in after hours clubs is their responsibility. Most schools assume they have permission to do almost anything as it's for 'educational purposes'- when usually they don't! They rarely have problems, because the people who own the copyright also often turn a blind eye to things done in schools. If they want to keep their noses clean, then access to a buyout library is always good - we used to have a pretty good supply of stuff for just this purpose. You could be a bit know it all, and try to explain this to them - but sometimes ignorance might well be best.
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