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congo help please!

Kevin Robertson

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we have a plot tomorrow and are still struggling to program the bloody desk.

At the moment we know how to plot cues and times, ( into the default pre set list ), but we want to program some additional sequences into the sub masters; with the option of loading them into our cue stack.

Can anyone help us with the syntax for this? We feel like a right bunch of fuds.,

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Putting a whole sequence on a sub is exactly the same as you would a preset:


1) Hit the clear button a few times to make sure everything has been deselected.

2) Type in the sequence number that you want to transfer.

3) Hold the sequence button and hit the flash button underneath the sub you want to put the sequence on


Alternate method:


1) Open up the master page that you want to put the sub on.

2) If the sub doesn't already exist, create it (sub number + insert + enter).

2) Change sub contents to "sequence".

3) Change "contents" column to the sequence number that you want to insert.


If you want to put these into the cue stack, you need to go into the preset were you want the link to be, You then need to type in 100 (or the percentage you want the sequence to play at) then hold the insert button and hit the flash key of the sub that contains the sequence This will then create a link to the sequenc in that sub which is usefull because you can then use the "tap" function on a chase in the cue stack.


If you simply want to put a preset on a sub, then its as simple as:

1) Load the preset.

2) Hit the "all" button twice.

3) Hold the "record" key.

4) Hit the flash key of the sub that you want to put it on


The only issue with this method is that you end up making a duplicate preset, with a number of 800 or above, If you already have made the preset then there is another way:


1) Open up the master page that you want to put the sub on

2) If the sub doesnt already exist, create it (sub number + insert + enter)

2) Change sub contents to preset

3) Change contents column to the preset number


Having written all this, I'm not in front of the desk and have not used one for a couple of weeks now so I'm doing this entirely from memory. I hope some one can correct any bits I have got wrong! If you need any more help then feel free to PM. Good luck it's a weird desk to learn.






P.S I have only just realized you said Congo - All my instructions refer to the congo jnr so I hope it's all still relevant!

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An excellent response, Andy, but you didn't mention how to create a second sequence in the first place.


Simply press 'Seq' to enter the Sequence menu. Type the number you want to call the sequence (e.g. 2) then 'INSERT'. You've now created a second sequence. You can now ESC from that menu. Load this sequence onto the main playback and programme as normal. You can then move it onto a master as described by Andy above and re-load sequence 1 into the main playback.

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Thanks JSB,


loading the second sequence into the main playback was something that I had issues with, it's a bit of a crazy button sequence. If you want to load another sequence onto the main playback then you need to do the following:


1) type the number of the sequence you want

2)hold down the "sequence" button

3) hit the "playback" key. (On the jnr its over on the right next to the goto button but it may be completely different on the congo!)


Once your in the second sequence any presets you record will be automatically linked to this sequence.




Andy Jones

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loading the second sequence into the main playback was something that I had issues with, it's a bit of a crazy button sequence.
It's not crazy - it's completely consistent with the way you place any content onto Masters:


#, hold down [ContentType] and hit [Target]



Sequence 2 onto Master 1:

2 [sEQ] & [MasterKey 1]


Preset 25 onto Master 10:

25 [PRESET] & [MasterKey 10]


- Note that you must hit the Master Key (grey on Congo Senior) - NOT the flash button. The two keys have different functions.


Therefore Sequence 5 onto Main Playback:

5 [sEQ] & [Playback]

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