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Jem Magnum Hazer

Tim Edwards

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Hi All,


Do any of you chaps use the Magnum hazer from JEM? Mine has been in for repair three times since I bought it :( . The first two were covered under it warranty however I have had to pay for the labour on it latest trip to the repair shop. Has anyone else had problems with this model?





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Guest joewhite903

How long between repairs has it lasted, Was on the phone to martin last month had to get a new heater block for a unit that was in my workshop. Acording to martin its a design fault that they are working on, one other thing if you find its not heating up its the thermal cut out on the block.

Some off them are faulty as the block I got had a faulty one on it and it had to be replaced. You really should try clean out your lines with a mixture off 90% distilled water and 10% white viniger. At least once a fortnight until martin come up with a solution that way your block shouldnt fail on you. Ta Joe

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  • 2 weeks later...
The company that is repairing the Magnum though it was fixed by replacing the heater block but then found another fault and it now has to go back to jem!!! The machine has spent more time being repaired than actually in use on a show. I won't be buying any more jem products. Bring on le maitre!!!
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Did you purchase it second hand?


Also, dont blame Jem, it isnt their fault the fault was mis-diagnosed..blame the repair company. I would insist on not paying for the replacements they did, as this is probably what caused the final fault for it to be sent back to Jem.


Additionally, was it a Jem recognised dealer?

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Hi All,


Sorry didn't mean to rant before but I'm sick of having a machine that is constantly out of action! The machine was bought brand new and I've been having issues with it ever since. It is being repaired by a Jem recognised dealer.


To be honest I will have to stick with it as I can't afford to scrap it and buy a different machine. It gets my goat when there is obviously a design fault with the product and ultimatly I'm the div that blow a load of bucks on it but can't use it on a show!



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To the best of my knowledge there was only ever 1 design fault with the unit, and it was sorted before any left the production line.


As I have the prototype version (complete with sticker!!) direct from my man at Jem, I can tell you that it was the fan that was poorly designed. On the prototype your not meant to take the fan above 75% because it becomes unstable.


As said above, this fault was sorted before the version you own left the production line.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ill have you know that the heater block on the Magnums and 24/7s IS a common problem.

It was confirmed to me by the guys at Jem. They have now fixed the problem.


The units tend to get blocked in the heat exchanger. The heater block itself wouldnt maintain a constant temperature rite along it, and therefore when it cooled the fluid would become sticky and block it. If you left the machine for a few days then the fluid would solidify and block the heater block up.

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Ill have you know that the heater block on the Magnums and 24/7s IS a common problem.

It was confirmed to me by the guys at Jem. They have now fixed the problem.


The units tend to get blocked in the heat exchanger. The heater block itself wouldnt maintain a constant temperature rite along it, and therefore when it cooled the fluid would become sticky and block it. If you left the machine for a few days then the fluid would solidify and block the heater block up.


Very strange. Never had this problem in 10 years of using Jem machines. Not once..


Surely they would have released this information if it was a "design" fault.

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