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Fat frog


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Hi, just getting to grips with a fat frog. A couple of things, the floppy drive is about worn out on it, the flap is missing so I would like to replace it. Any particular make to go for? I tried a bog standard PC drive (new) but when asked to format in superuser the desk kept coming up no disk, however I haven't yet tried the drive in a PC so it could just be a faulty drive - the drive did appear to start when asked to do something.

Other slight problem although now sorted, after I had programmed a handfull of scenes and pressed go the desk kept setting the next memory to "--" (memory 0?) instead of the next scene number which was programmed. I just cleared the memory in superuser and started again which has now sorted it, any clues for next time?

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Other slight problem although now sorted, after I had programmed a handfull of scenes and pressed go the desk kept setting the next memory to "--" (memory 0?) instead of the next scene number which was programmed. I just cleared the memory in superuser and started again which has now sorted it, any clues for next time?


This might be your problem...


The fat frog allows you to jump to cues. On the monitor screen, on the right of the screen when looking at the memories there is a "jump to" (or something similar...sorry...cant quite remember) which allows you to jump from one cue to another one that isnt in order. If it is blank it will automatically go to the next one, if its a number it will go to that number cue, and if its "--" it will go back up to the start.

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Thanks, I may register on the Zero88 forum to see if they have any info on the FDD - the old one is in at the mo as at least it works. Thinking about it, there may have been the -- on the right hand side of the screen, thanks.
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the delay in replying, didn't want to risk taking the desk to pieces with a show looming!!

I spoke to Keith who confirmed the disk drive is a standard PC one, I bought a new drive (Sony MPF920) from ebuyer, fitted it tonight and it appears to be working fine now.

Thanks for the help

Paul F.

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