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Delay Line


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Hi all,

I am looking for a delay line and thought I could get a Yamaha D1030 but it appears to be discontinued. I have since been looking for something like it but all I come up with is speaker management systems with delay as a function of the outputs. They offer lots of features but all I want is a dedicated delay line.


Does anyone know where I should look?


I would want something like the Yamaha that does 1 in 3 out...




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I would want something like the Yamaha that does 1 in 3 out...


BSS TCS 804. 2 in 4 out. Probably discontinued, but I would imagine you could pick one up second hand.


Can't actually think of any others off the top of my head. As you have have already discovered, the function of these units has been superseded by digital system processors that have the delay ability built in alongside EQ and other functions.


With this in mind you would probably be better off looking at lower end system processors. I am sure the dbx Driverack range must have something at the cheaper end of the scale.

Quick peek with google finds the dbx Driverack PA @ 316.99 ukp incl.vat

- 2 in 6 out and a whole rack load of other toys built in


Other competitively priced system processors will exist.

Here's one: ULTRADRIVE PRO DCX2496 under 200 ukp. 3 in, 6 out




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I've got a 1 in 3 out delay gathering dust in my warehouse , I say warehouse but actually it's a converted chicken shed . When I go there tomorrow I will dig it out and let you know what it is . I do know it's not a Yamaha .
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XTA DD224 is a management system, but does delay or try and find t.c electronic D-Two delay unit.


An XTA DP224 is indeed a loudspeaker management system, however with a list price of around 1500ukp I think it would probably be overkill for the original poster's application.


A TC D-Two is a stereo (2 input, 2 output) delay unit. It is therefore inadequate for the original poster's application because it does not have enough outputs.





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Thanks for your comments, I looked at the dbx driverack earlier and from what I can see it's as good as the rest of them spec wise. I have played briefly with the ultradrive and it appears to do what it says on the tin. I guess any of them will be ok so long as I can ignore the crossover and just use the delay, limiter and perhaps HF/LF shelf filter I will be making good use out of them I guess.


The boss has got his eyes on the Tannoy LDX1 which looks fine to me. The price is right and it will do 2 in 4 out or 1 in 4 out etc.


I fancy some of those Tannoy speakers myself....

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If you were referring to the drive rack PA then do have a quick search and understand why they are frowned upon by the majority.


Actually, in this instance it might not be as bad a problem but I still avoid the unit (and indeed the company).



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