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Mac 250 Problem...:(


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Hey, would be great if anyone could help me solve this problem, if not no worries.

Basically I've got two mac 250's (orginals) and I was using them for a disco and one of them wouldn't turn the lamp on, it striked it but it went off straight after (you could see the strike) and then it some how made the rest of the rig (other mac 250/Pars/Rgb's) go mental, I then unplugged the mac from the DMX link and the rest went back to normal, I then turned it off for a few minutes and then plugged it back in, I put the DMX back it and it worked :S

I also used this same mac with a ETC Expression 500 and it appeared to have some problems too (of the same kind I'm guessing, wasn't the one using them)

And also the other mac, the one which isn't dodgey keeps coming up with Auto when theres no DMX input, and it has never done this before :S and I havn't updated it or anything and the dodgey one is on Ver 1.4 and the decent one is on 1.6 :S confusing.

The mac that is dodgey has also been sent off for repair last year (sept-nov) and had a motherboard (a refurbished one), colour wheel, stepper motors etc which cost quite alot (getting on for a £1000) and now its dying again. :)


Any help would be great!


Many Thanks Zak

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the only one which happened when I was using the ETC controller with it is that it striked on and then turned the lamp off saying Hot when it hadn't been on for more than 10-15secounds but we just assumed it was something to do with the controller effecting it. but that hasn't come at all since... so I dont know really.
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Any chance that the lamp is on it's way out? Sometimes a duff lamp will take for ever to strike, the prolonged ignitor cycle may be putting noise on the line and scrambling the memory of the others. Or maybe the lampholder is tracking causing a similar thing? Discharge lamps use HT when striking.
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Worth a go certainly, but when you change the lamp, shine a torch in there and check there's no tracking marks (black streaks) around the base of the lamp socket and nearby wiring. It doesnt happen very often but this is one reason why you should never turn on a discharge lamp with no lamp fitted.
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