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We're looking at renewing all the speakers in the school hall.


Currently we have two on the left, two on the right.


We're looking at extending the number of speakers, and having 2 speakers facing onstage for some reason (according to the head of drama).


Any ideas as to which are the best, best value for money, recommended?


As well as any ideas as to how many would be a good amount of speakers?

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A lot depends on the size of the hall you have really. IMO

The 2 facing the stage will be for foldback, monitors basically for musical accompaniment.

I don't know enough to give some information about appropriate speakers.


But you'll enjoy this learning process!

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Right ok.


The hall seats about 250-300. It's medium sized, not massive.


Just a rectangle no dodgy curves etc.


Main uses are school productions, film nights, assembly's everything in school normally.


Budget is currently under evaluation if you get me. It depends what estimates are given by people. The main idea is to get an idea of the cost here, rather than the school agreeing to pay gazillions on something we don't need.


Basically it needs to be nice looking, sound good and be quite cheap.

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You need to look at coverage. Being able to cover every seat in the room as equally as possible, without some people struggling to hear and / or others being deafened.

Multiple speakers at various points in the room is certainly one way to achieve this but this needs to be done properly by the right people in order to get it right. Speakers thrown up anywhere may very well cover the entire room but without the correct placement, and delay between boxes you'll cause more problems than you solve.


As for speakers that point at the stage, that's all well and good, but do these want exactly the same signal as what goes out front, my guess is not, so a suitable desk is required here. It means lots of amplifier channels.



Another way would be to just use 1 pair of controlled (in terms of dispersion) better speakers at the front (and a pair of monitors for on stage). We cannot possibly suggest anything until you have some idea of budget. A pair of speakers might cost you £250, would they be suitable? my guess is fr from it. A pair might cost you £4000, they could well be well out of budget. then there is amplification, cabling, some form of control, monitors (and their amps).


So a rough idea of what you are looking to pay would be a starting point.


Also, where are you based?

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Having just ordered all the bits for a very similar hall, I'll tell you what we decided on:


2 x Turbosound TXD151 (15" + horn) mounted either side of the stage on adjustable mounts.

2 x Turbosound TXD118 (18" subs) mounted under lip of stage.

2 x QSC PLX1804 amps

DBX Driverack

Assorted cabling.

Cost came in around £3000 ex VAT


We already have the multicore, desk and FOH fx installed.


The decision to go for single speaker placements meant there is little or no need for delay and the speaker placement can be worked out with scale drawings and a little bit of thought.

Multispeaker options may well give better coverage, but only if set up correctly.


Bear in mnd the point about monitors. You will almost certainly want a different mix (and seperate eq). We tend to use small floor wedges that we can move to suit the event.


I'm installing our new system in the half term, can let you know how it goes if you're interested.

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We're looking at renewing all the speakers in the school hall.


Currently we have two on the left, two on the right.


It would be worth finding out exactly what you have at the moment. I've seen educational establishments with very valuable kit just lying around waiting to be thrown out because no-one knew what it was.





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2 x Turbosound TXD151 (15" + horn) mounted either side of the stage on adjustable mounts.


Was the extra 2db really worth the loss of clarity of going with 15's over the 12's in the same range?


However for the OP, on a budget the TXD range would be quite appropriate.


For monitors they also have the TXD-12m

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when you have subs 15's over 12's are often a silly idea, but it can work if you have alot of growling low mid content such as rock / metal and simple speech isn't something you regularly have. So for Ian this may have been a choice thy made based on the program material that was going to be thrown at the rig rather than a very generalised statement.


For the OP though. 12's certainly if they are having subs. If they were thinking of going for boxes without subs, then I'd suggest, 12's, and subs. can you see a theme?



The txd's are great value for money but as a reflex box, if you want even coverage at low levels they might be less suitable. (Whilst they'll more than happy "throw"* past 300 people they'll be hitting walls before they do and this is what you want to avoid.




* = similar to the Easter bunny.

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Also, if it's a simple rig it might be worth going for a flown mono centre cluster design as opposed to a 'stereo' type system with speakers either side of the performance area, as this will probably provide more even coverage, and mixing in stereo is so last century anyway. This might not be so cool for cinema nights though.


The turbosound speakers would be very good for the purpose, as would a number of other brands. Another equally good, but possibly cheaper option might be the EV SX300. If you're on a budget, the flyable Yamaha C112VA speakers are very good at what they do.


If you are going for speakers firing backward, in a sort of 'choir fill' application then you will have to send them something different to the usual mix. I personally would carefully and diplomatically consider how much weight I would give to the Head of Drama's opinion on specifics. Ask them what they want to achieve, and then research the right way to do it, and I reckon you will end up with a far superior result. From experience this is a great way to build up trust with directors/drama teachers/musicians as well.



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