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17th Century Gun Plans (Les Miserables type)


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im currently studying ND Production Arts (Technical) at Barnsley College, for one of my lessons "Props" I have been instructed to collect prop templates and ideas for a French Firearm the period fits the French Revolution the time when Les Miserables is set, if anyone has any close up images or preferable prop plans for any of

firearms used on Les Miserables or any like it I would most appricate this, I will fully credit you and the musical in my work.




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The 17th century puts you in Flintlocks. They are all quite similar in appearance, although as they developed they tended to get shorter (so a 17th century musket would be considerably longer than an 18th or 19th century one).


The easyiest example to find images of is the 'brown bess' and its variants. They were standard issue in the British army for about a century. Good local renactment groups will probably be able to show you surviving Brown bess muskets and most museums and armourys have some..


Just put '17th century french musket' into google images. There are a few small differences, but not ones very visible from the auditorium.

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For C17, you would also probably have seen matchlock still in use at least in the English civil war (1642), the flintlock was available but had not yet taken over fully.

Obviously by the French revolution, the matchlock would have been completely superseded (They are evil things to keep lit if there is any rain).


Regards, Dan.

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The French musket is use around the time was the .68 calibre Charleville, a flintlock which was their equivialent to our Brown Bess. If you do a web search for 'Charleville musket" you will uncover loads of images on which to base your design. If you decide to hire in muskets, at least you can use the images to get the closest match.

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