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Microphone for weak voice!


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Have had a scout through the post concerning microphones but couldn´t find the advice I was looking for.


I have never really been over worried about which microphones were handed to me before walking on stage! but now I am about to buy one I wonder if I should think more.


Obviously different Mikes will suit different voices (I was always happy with the sm58) I just wonder if some microphones are noted for helping with "weaker" voices.


My voice is relativley high (for a male) and I always seem to have to wack the bottom end up, I cut back on the mid, then have to put too much top on to regain some clarity.


Is there a mike that would go some way to help me? would a condensor mike help? (sm86 etc)


Thanks in advance

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The best way to find a mic that suits your voice is to try them. Again this means hiring them but most can be fond for only a few € for the night if the prices are anything like they are here. Everyone's voice is different. And everyone's singing voice can be different to their talking voice, the only real way to find out is with trying different mics. You ned to get the bes sound you can with as little alteration ass possible, so massive amounts of eq are frowned upon.




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Suggest you definitely try a Beta 57 in your quest for the perfect mic. It has a slightly sharper, crisper sound than a standard SM58 and owing to the design of the grille you can sing closer to the capsule, so you get a bit of help in the bass from the greater proximity effect. Might work for you.


As Rob says you simply have to try lots (ideally through your own setup) till you find one that suits. I'd try each one "flat" to begin with then add eq. There's an overwhelming number of vocal mics available these days, so I'd start with the "industry standards" first. (Shure, Sennheiser, AKG etc.)



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Concur with trying lots. Three mics to put on your audition shortlist:


The Audix OM6 and OM7. Both are great for bringing weaker voices up out of the "mire" because they reject surrounding noise to a very good degree and have a nice sound, much smoother to listen to than the SM58. One caution: counterintuitively, the OM7 has a very LOW output and needs a decent quality mic pre-amp to work well.


If your pockets are deep, the Neumann KMS105 is one of the nicest sounding vocal condensors around, depending on the voice. From your description, I have a hunch it might work for you but sit down before checking the price.



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Concur with trying lots. Three mics to put on your audition shortlist:


The Audix OM6 and OM7. Both are great for bringing weaker voices up out of the "mire" because they reject surrounding noise to a very good degree and have a nice sound, much smoother to listen to than the SM58. One caution: counterintuitively, the OM7 has a very LOW output and needs a decent quality mic pre-amp to work well.


If your pockets are deep, the Neumann KMS105 is one of the nicest sounding vocal condensors around, depending on the voice. From your description, I have a hunch it might work for you but sit down before checking the price.




I own a neumann KMS105 amongst other mics and although I think it is a great mic and has a real quality about it I'm not sure it's ideal for a weak voice.

I compared a friends shure sm87 radio mic with a sennheiser 365 radio mic last year and the shure seemed to have a lot more oomph to it.mind you that could have been the sensitivity setting on the sennheiser being too low.I find that on the sennheiser I would like the sensitivity between two available settings ( I think between -20 and -30 from my vague memory).trouble I find is that if you set it too sensitive you get feedback problems although it sounds much better.

so I would say give a shure sm87 a try if you get a chance.

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Hi Whirlwind,


Yeah I hear what you say. The 105 is far from bad when it comes to feedback, but the rejection isn't in the OM7 league either.


However, the OP doesn't actually mention that feedback is a particular issue; rather (especially in the 4th paragraph) he seems to be looking for some more depth and fullness in his voice and the KMS105 does a very good job in that direction (depending, of course, on the actual voice)!


Anyway....thought I should explain my thinking.


Hmmm...I wonder if I should copyright the word "counterintuitively" for BR use. Oh, hang on...I think "Hmmm" is already taken.



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I would recomend AKG D5 to anyone who sings regardless of how stromg their voice.

I have been using them extensivly now for about 8 months and recon they are the best vocal mic I have ever used with any artist !!

I know AKG dont realy till now have much of a reputation for their live vocal mics, but this one is briliant !!

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First off are you using this with a digital desk? Sometimes you can have strangeness if desk has both an analogue and digital gain section.


Second off is money an issue?


Mics that I have had joy with on weaker, thin or reedy vocals (especially soft female vocals) include


Shure SM-87

Shure Beta87A

Shure KSM-9 (though have only used this in the wireless version)


Also used to used some Audix mic with good results back years ago, OM7 sounds familiar


My tuppence worth but as mentioned an idea of application (most of mine relate to live stage work) and budget might help narrow the field down



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I know this isn't a direct answer to your question, but have you considered investing in some vocal coaching? If you can strengthen your vocal projection, you won't have to worry about what sort of microphone to use!

Perhaps others on this forum could recommend someone who could help with this...

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