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Band Promo video


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Hi there,


A week today (February 1st) I have been asked to shoot a promo video (about 5-10min) for a ceilidh band at my school. This is to be looped and displayed on laptop at a wedding show and used on their websites (here and/or here).


The lighting at the venue will be very "artistic and cool" (so I am told) and I was wondering what they best way to set up my camera in terms of lighting, because it will be quite dark (for shots of people) and (kind of!) light on the stage - so what is the easiest way to set the camera up. The school has a light meter, but I have never seen any use in it for video.


Also, as I mentioned it will be looped, but what is a good way to do this full-screen and how should I set the video up for web as well?



I know I am asking a lot here but hopefully you will be able to help!!




EDIT: url broken

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