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VGA Setting up problems

Sam Whitehead

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hi been using a program called PCDJVJ and think its ok.


got a big gig coming up were I need to run a second laptop and 2 cameras into my data projector.


so in total 1 laptop running VJ using extended desktop to view the main video in the projector but still have the controls on stage with me.


1 laptop for sub graphics


2 cameras


so 4 inputs 2 VGA & 2 composite(phono,CVBS,Svideo)-however you know it.


problem is how do I do it, used to run 2 DVD players and no problem, I have a video mixer but only with phono inputs/outputs on.


when I used to use a laptop for graphics (ppt etc) I would use this device I got from maplins which converts VGA to Phono, great but not good enough quality for my VJ Vob files(ex DVDs).


I can buy another one of these but not really good enough. bought the software hoping to move forward but seems to be placing too many obstacles in the way. bought a usb input device hoping the camera side of the software would work but it doesn't!


also if I have hardware acceleration turned on I get a green stripe on the video???


Can anyone offer some advice on how I'm going to carry this out?


I have one last option which involves a VGA switch but again not a preferred method as used to do chroma mixes with the video mixer and have the crowd mixed in with the DVDs etc.


thanks for your help



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To get low latency, and ability to mix all the sources, your going to need to spend money. Either on Scan convertors to get the VGA to video levels, or scaling the Video up. Putting cameras through a PC will add latency, that might or might not be acceptable for you.


Cheaper option is going to be a semi Decent scan convertor (300 GBP for an ok Kramer one), with scaling costing more. To do Keys with a scaler it's likely to cost several thousand.


There are possibly some software option, but I prefere hard ware for this sort of work, due to stability and other issues.



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Thanks for some answers, I understand the scan conversation but its difficult to justify the expense when I can just go back to using DVD players.


PCDJ VJ is software that allows you to play DVD files(mpg mp4 vob files etc etc) - do a quick search in google and you get some screen shots up. it very good software its just a case of connecting multiply sources. its a bit like a double CD player but for videos on a computer.


thanks for contacting PCDJ, hopefully he can help.


thanks all sam

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Good morning Sam,


This is the response I got from PCDJ this morning:


"His best bet, would be a HD Video Mixer (these are VERY expensive at the moment http://dvcreators.net/products/mixersv440.html .).


But other than that, use the mixer that he has for the Camera's, and then use the S-Vid outputs on the laptops as well. Quality isn't too bad, its only the same as using DVD's as it outputs to TV resolutions any ways.


So the mixer will have 4 inputs,


Laptop 1 > SVid > Mixer


Laptop 2 > SVid > Mixer


Camera 1 > ? > Mixer


Camera 2 > ? > Mixer


Then the mixer then will output its Low Res image to the projector as usual.


Just to Make sure he knows, even if he goes out of the VGA (this being HD sized output), the quality will be just as good as if he is uses Svid output, as the source files he is using (From DVD) are LowDef, so designed to work on TV's and LowDef projectors. The image will not be as Sharp, but thats prob for the best knowing the quality of some of the produced Music videos. "


Hope this helps! Any further questions I shall pass them on!!




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