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Strand Solo 2k Followspot


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I am doing a report on the optics of a Strand 2k Followspot. In this instance, it houses and incandescent lamp.

I am trying to determine what type of reflector it uses. Looking at photos it looks spherical, but I am not sure if that is for when an arc lamp is used...


Does anyone know of the exact specifications for the reflector and lenses?


Thank you

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I am not sure if those specifics are even available?


Try the Strand archive Linky for more info.


BTW the reflectors on these are not the best and do burn out after a lot of use. They are also quite thin- not up to modern standards


Hi Mark - Just down the road from you! I'm sure we might have worked together in the past...

Yeah, I posted a message on the Strand Archive website, and looked at the related page, but doesn't offer anything specific. I have tried searching for other related pages on the web, but it seems to be quite an obsure subject.


Looking at the photo, it doesnt seem as shiny as I expected. Could I email you the image? I'm new to this forum so not sure how this could happen

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An arc lamp? We don't tend to refer to these as 'arcs' mainly because we're a very history driven area, and arcs generate thoughts of much more interesting bits of kit than a reasonably recent followspot. The discharge lamped solo used a CSI/CID lamp, which although indeed is an arc, just doesn't get called it - if you see what I mean. Do you actually have one? If you don't, then the report won't be that good - if it's just based on published info. The difference between an elliptical and spherical reflector is pretty obvious when you look at it.
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An arc lamp? We don't tend to refer to these as 'arcs' mainly because we're a very history driven area, and arcs generate thoughts of much more interesting bits of kit than a reasonably recent followspot. The discharge lamped solo used a CSI/CID lamp, which although indeed is an arc, just doesn't get called it - if you see what I mean. Do you actually have one? If you don't, then the report won't be that good - if it's just based on published info. The difference between an elliptical and spherical reflector is pretty obvious when you look at it.


I used one over Christmas, on my work experience and this is what the report is for. I apologise if I have used the wrong terminology - 'an environmental thing'.


The reason for the report is that I am still getting my head around how the optics work. Hence I am unsure what reflector it is.

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