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Lighting Pics


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I know this is short notice but I am talking to some peeps tomorrow about a concert I said I'd light and I wanted to present a few ideas to them. Has anybody got pictures of any of the following,


Pars in a fan (saturated colours pref.)

Floor lanterns uplighting or backlighting a drummer/ singer or something

A still of a mac 500 sweeping the audiance or a stage

Any effects with Mac 500's


Really need them within the next hour so I can build a nice little design board for them,






PS- Any other effects using frensels/ acclaims, Mac 500's, Pars in use in a small/medium concert.


Ohh and they don't just have to be pics they could also be WYSIWYG renderings


OK Guys really good so far, Thanks a lot have got quite a few pics off google image search!


Has anyyone got any pictures of a stage just completly washed in green (Lee Mallard Green 325 for a rough comparison- sort of dark). Can't find any on google image search




I'm sure Sam simply wanted examples of various effects/angles with which to demonstrate her ideas at the meeting (which is not a bad idea, particularly if the people you are pitching to are not that au fait with the terms you usually use, or you are presenting ideas that they can't quite grasp verbally.


I think it'd be pretty tenuous to accuse someone of plagiarism simply because they, too, used 090 for an eerie backlight, or they, too had a split-colour breakup gobo wash for the pastoral scenes in "As you like it" etc.



Please do not plaguerise other peoples work.

I am simply trying to illistarte my points using photos, I did quite clearly tell them in the meeting today that they were not my photos they actually came from the interent. I would quite call this plagerism ;) It's not as if I am using them in a portfolio :angry: :wacko:


Sam :)


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