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Lighting Design Software


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IMSI Turbo CAD Learning Edition is Free, and with the addition of CAD symbols (available in lots of places - try cad4theatre for example) you can create professional looking lighting plans.


If you want visualisation, you're probably going to have to pay. WYSIWYG and Martin Show Designer are two examples.


Some people have been raving recently about Capture, but I couldn't get it to work on my PC. Avolites produce a visualiser for their offline editors, as do MA Lighting. HogPC will link with Capture and MSD, and I think WYSIWYG also.

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Im lookin for some sort of freeware (or cheap software) so I can desing some lightin states, has anyone got any good ideas? im just lookin for somethin simple but effective

Really depends what you mean by designing some lighting states! If you just want to draw rig plans then you can do this with virtually any drawing or CAD package, however if you actually want a visualisation of the lighting states then that's a different ball game.


When you say 'cheap', what do you mean???


Andy Stone


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right ok, I downloaded that ' Avolites' program, but do I need to plug my PC into a lighting desk, cos whenever I try an put it into simulation mode it brings up an error sayin it cant find anything in my parallel port???
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If you download and run the Pearl Simulator, you can then switch the Visualiser program into Sim mode. I wouldn't say that Vis is best for your application though - you might be better to try WYSIWYG (there's a demo, but its about 30mb to download).
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yeah im dowloadin that at the moment, basicly I wanna creat the studio I 'work' in an place the lights how they are in there, an then just try out different states, cos I dont wanna b playin with the acctual desk an lights incase I blow one (again) an we aint realy got the budget to be replacing them all the time. so is this what I need? or am I lookin for somethin completley wrong?
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Yep, WYSIWYG sounds like your friend. Take your time to experiment and you can get some pretty nice looks out of it. You just can't save or print in the demo, and renders (that is, drawings of designs as they will look with the correct shading etc) are limited to 100 x 100 pixels.


Keep at it and you'll be able to produce some pretty nice work though, like:



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yeah im dowloadin that at the moment, basicly I wanna creat the studio I 'work' in an place the lights how they are in there, an then just try out different states, cos I dont wanna b playin with the acctual desk an lights incase I blow one (again) an we aint realy got the budget to be replacing them all the time. so is this what I need? or am I lookin for somethin completley wrong?

CompuCAD from Compulite does that at £300, OK it ain't WYSIWYG, but for you want to do it should be fine.


Alternatively you could buy the Stage Lighting CD-ROM at £39.95, loads of useful info on Stage Lighting and a demo of CompuCAD.


Andy Stone


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If you want lighting visualisation for free, download grandMA 3D from the MA Lighting website at www.malighting.de.


There is also a free offline editor which will connect to the visualiser, and allow you to create looks within 1 PC.


You can then save your "Show" as an AVI file to present to a client. It is amazing how much more inpact a moving image has when trying to get your lighting concepts over to someone who is not a lampie. You can even incorporate camera moves, moving trusses, moving people, moving scenery into your presentation.


Once you have done all this (just costing you your time!), you have already created part of your show on the OLE, which can then be loaded straight to a grandMA, grandMA Light, grandMA Ultra Light, or grandMA Micro console for the real show.




Neil Vann

Technical Sales and Support

AC Lighting



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Have a look at Wysiwyg Report Student Edition,

It is very cheap and will do what you need, you will however be working in a 2D environment unless you spend a bit more money and get Wysiwyg Design Student Edition, if you are interested then email me off forum and I will let you know how much they are.

The Wysiwyg Demo is actually the full blown version of the program but as I'm sure you have found out you cannot print or save (for obvious reasons)






Andy Mahaffey

Authorised Wysiwyg Trainer

AC Lighting Ltd

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ive got the WYSIWYG demo version, and im looking at unlocking it soon, but I want to manualy control the lights in live mode (or a different mode) an maybe set up some fx's, ive found that the program comes with a 'Miniconsole' but I dont know how to get it working with the program/lights. Does anyone know?
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