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square image


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Hi guys wondered if anyone had any dealings with square projection!


need to project a 2mx2m square image for a event I have coming up using a panasonic dt 4000 which can make the image square with it ajustable zoom or masking feature but image looks squashed other option is a scaler but have no idea what one is best for job and dont want to spend stupid money either as its a one off! also wont know what source e.g dvd player or laptop will be until the day! any help whould be much appriciated! cheers

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also wont know what source e.g dvd player or laptop will be until the day! any help whould be much appriciated! cheers


Surely you can find this out from whoever is supplying the image/video?


My vote would be for whoever is creating the content to put black bars down the sides of it. If they have to create a square image anyway, it shouldn't be a problem for them to do that. If they can't create a square image, it'll either be squashed or cropped by whatever you end up doing, which won't be ideal.

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The Barco Screen Pro II will allow you to mask an image using the key ability. Create a PPT slide with coloured square, and send to DVI input 2 (Background), then set up the key. This will then allow you to mix sources under neath the key and achieve the effect you require.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think GIMP is really the right tool here. It's an image manipulation program, which works on still images.

I'm assuming the OP wants to project video - but doesn't know what the content will be until the day, so will most likely want some tool for real-time manipulation (not editing software).


However, if the square image problem can be fixed by editing the file, then it might be possible to use a spinoff of GIMP; CinePaint which is designed for Hollywood CGI-style frame by frame retouching. Although it's had some use on minor Hollywood films, it's really not the obvious choice for this application.

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