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Animal Head Masks to Hire/Buy


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I'm currently looking for any decent farm animal masks which don't cover the face (so worn on the head above the eyes) and are not party-style plastic type. Google isn't being particularly specific and is obviously throwing up party shops first. Nor do any of my usual prop or costume hire places have these type of masks. I'm needing animals like pigs, cow, horse, sheep, dogs, etc. I realise the obvious solution is to make, but time and skills are against me, so if I can find a hire or buy it would be much preferable depending on cost and supply time. I'm based in Cambridge but assuming these things can be couriered if necessary. Ideally need masks as soon as practical.


Or perhaps somebody in the Cambridge area would like to offer their services to make these masks, at a reasonable cost of course.





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Whilst not especially local, when I was last picking up costumes from them, I think I saw something similar to what you describe at Bath Theatrical Costume Hire in Frome. Their website is www.baththeatrical.co.uk and their staff are experienced and helpful, so might be worth contacting?



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