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Motorised Desks

Sirch Sound

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Hi guys, kind of a random one here but anyway. Does anyone know of any 24 channel analogue desks that feature motorised faders. Im Talking around £1.5k, I just had an inquiery at work and the only cheapo desk I could think of was the tiny behringer one, but obviously not even close to being big enough and it appears to be the only desk thay do with motorised faders.




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Used first generation 02R? Sounds fine, and easy to use, even though is a few years old, has MIDI control for automation, and is expandable, probably good choice, too, as give you an insight into the way the yammy software works. Yes, I know its not an "analouge" desk, but it has propper plugs on back, no daft external box, and you have the advantage of everything being recallable through scenes. When you get used to digits the world becomes a better place. With the M7CL coming out, the 02R has dropped loads in price.


Have had the odd digital glitch from all the major brands over the last few years, but nothing serious(touches head to simulate wood). Fader probs are normally software based, though you do get the odd fader failing completly. Have heard of two at one very busy touring PA company in the last three years, one of them was beer related, the other was first generation testbed.




XL4 (unreliable?) only has motorised VCAs I believe, so don't think it would be suitable anyway

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It's usually the faders themselves that fail, because either the motor drive fails (usually slipping belts or drive cords...easily fixed but fiddly) or else as the tracks wear the fader can jitter or vibrate when it should be stationary because the firmware often relies on voltage feedback from the track itself for positional info.
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