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Hypothetically Touring with the RSC!

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Hey all,

As part of my Theatre Practice degree at CSSD, I've been set a paper project in which I have to consider the implications of touring the RSC's production of Romeo and Juliet which actually existed a few years ago. This includes thinking about costings, schedules and transport. Having never toured a show before, could anyone advise me on how many wagons you think I might need for a fairly large scale tour? It's been suggested that I need one for costumes and props, one for LX, one for scaff and truss etc, and two for the set. I'm sorry that saying 'one' sounds naive, but I really don't know what kind of vehicles are used!


I've also downloaded the minimum wages figures from the TMA/BECTU agreement, but in one solution I think I should suggest paying the staff more than minimum wage (as though it was reality), but I don't know how much is reasonable to pay!


If this sounds like you're giving me too much help, if anyone can suggest any sources for finding out the answers I'd be really appreciative!


Thank you in advance,


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This includes thinking about costings, schedules and transport. Having never toured a show before, could anyone advise me on how many wagons you think I might need for a fairly large scale tour? It's been suggested that I need one for costumes and props, one for LX, one for scaff and truss etc, and two for the set. I'm sorry that saying 'one' sounds naive, but I really don't know what kind of vehicles are used!


I've also downloaded the minimum wages figures from the TMA/BECTU agreement, but in one solution I think I should suggest paying the staff more than minimum wage (as though it was reality), but I don't know how much is reasonable to pay!


Thank you in advance,



The type of trucks commonly used on tours are the Articulated ones, the same kind that Sainsburys (etc) use for their deliveries. As I'm sometimes pretty rubish at describing things, that should give you the ideal picture.


Without knowing the show itself, I would say that 5 would probably do the trick, all depends on how complex the set is, as this could be squeezed into one, with any overspill onto the one with the truss etc etc.


Mind you we had a ballet in the other week which had 4 shows in one truck! ;)


As for the wages side of things, I think your entitled to a touring allowance, as well as an hourly pay. Whatever you do don't pay your staff (I know this is only in theory) mininium wage, I work for the min. wage, and it's doesn't exactly make you want to get up in the morning and do the job!


I'm sure someone with a more detailed look on things will come along and give you a more detailed look at this!


Hope this helps,


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Hello Rachel,


Just a thought, but I am sure there are people at the RSC in Stratford who would love to spend some time on the phone discussing this project with you. The RSC is, of course a very busy Reo theatre company so perhaps contacting them via letter or e-mail first so you can direct your query to the right department or departments and set up a phone meeting with one of their production managers. It would be sensible to make a list of the questions you want answers to before picking up the phone however, in order to make good use of the time during the call.


A theatre tour will probably not use more than 6 trailors, for "tommy" the musical post wend end tour used I think:


1 trailor for Sound

1 for LX

3-4 for Set/Props and costume


Bearing in mind this was a major tour, the stage crew consisted of somewhere in the region of 25-30 people made up of full time touring staff, temporary production staff, local casual crew and the like. The sound crew (I can;t speak for any other department as I was not involved) consisted of 3 full timers, 5 production crew and 2 locals. The Number 1 sound would have been paid in the region of £550 pw, plus touring allowance and travel expenses. The production crew in the region of £160 per day, plus hotel and travel plus 1/2 day travel at either end of the fit up period. Of course, this is why casual members of any fit up will often feel a little P*****d off only earning 4 quid an hour .................... Good luck with the project, is you need any more help drop me a line.



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Good evening all,

I've had quite a day of admin today! Thanks for your suggestions.

I have sourced an email address for the Technical department of the RSC and written to them. I have also been trying to get in contact with the theatres that the RSC toured the production to: Theatre Royal, Newcastle; Theatre Royal, Plymouth; and the Barbican. This hasn't been easy and I've ended up emailing the 'info' addresses for Newcastle and the Barbican, asking if they could send me the Technical addresses. If this comes to nothing I'll be phoning them tomorrow.

Plymouth Theatre Royal had an incredible technical database on their website with all the information I needed! Details of the rake, auditorium format, access etc. but they have just re-worked their website and removed this information. I emailed them about this and they were very helpful and gave me a contact email for their technical department, but even so, I think that this is a valuable database which has been lost.


Part of my brief is to suggest different solutions to the various problems I've been set. So I'm presuming that this means preparing a series of costings. I think I might include one proposal with costings as though I was paying crew minimum wage, and then work up from there. My main problem is I'm still not sure how big the technical crew would be on a production like this. I'm sure it wouldn't be as large as that of a musical, and it's been suggested that one of my solutions could be using as small a crew as possible, but I'd also like to include a realistic solution.


Sorry to waffle on, I'm just trying to make everything clear! If anyone could shed any more light on crew sizes, wages or the technical staff at the venues listed I'd be more than appreciative!


Thanks again,


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As Paul mentioned the local crew would be paid by the venue, so that could vary for casuals from £4.20 to £6.00 or so, and full times would probably be in on a set rate for the week/month etc.


I think the company pays for the venue for the call they make for local crew, so I expect that needs to come into your consideration as well.


Hope this helps,


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  • 1 month later...

Dear All,


Thank you for all your advice for my project. I got my marks last week and I did really well. Couldn't have done it without you! (especially the 'Sainsburys Trucks' description of artics!). It's incredible how much more I know now than before this Unit.


Thanks again,

Rachel <_<

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