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Prisms for studiospots


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I have a pair of High End Studio Spot 575s. The biggest drawback to the unit as far as my opinion goes is it's lack of any form of prism, a bit of an oversight I think as prisms seem to be pretty invaluable in a profile mover. What I want to know is if anyone thinks it may be possible to remove one of the rotating gobos from the wheel and replace it with a prism from another manufacturer? I haven't done any in-depth research into the gobo sizes of various makes of movers to see wether any would be compatible, but I did have a conversation with a high end dealer regards to upgrading the units and was told that really it wasn't financially viable. Hence my question about a 'home-made upgrade'. I've never opened up a mover in my life so any valid suggestions or cries of 'don't do it crazy man!' gratefully received.
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In theory you should be able to do it. You will need to find a prism which fits of course- Which may be difficult. You will also need to make sure there is adequate clearence so that the whole wheel can rotate. You will need to find a safe way to mount it (Araldite?) that will handle the intense heat.

Also having a weight on one side of the wheel may alter the way it moves? I'm not sure.


In pure theory alone it should work and not be that difficult. It's the actual practise that's the problem!


Good luck!

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Thing is, a prism's only really best used with a gobo.. So apart from the mechanical issues of installing a prism into the gobo wheel, you'd sort of be shooting yourself in the foot as obviously, you couldn't use the prism & a gobo at the same time..


As Tim said, maybe just get some mac500s instead, the units cost about the same, maybe speak to UsedLighting/Lighting Partners, they might be inclined to do a trade/swap. Never know..

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well actually the units have two gobo wheels so I'd only be shooting myself in one foot as it were :angry:

as to buying new units, well yes that had occurred to me but actually I have budgets to consider. This was why I was weighing my options re: replacing or 'upgrading'. Rather than just throw my hands in the air and crying 'Come, bring me another!' I'd like to see if this far lower cost option is doable.

All comments gratefully received though.

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