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stretchiest fabric known to mankind


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Hi, Im looking for the stretchiest durable fabric available for a dance/installation piece.

The fabric would be black, worn as a kind of tube, and contorted into different shapes by a dancer.


latex looks good but is probably too fragile. Some kind of woven/knitted mesh or spandex/lycra?

The question is, which one is the most stretchy (4-way) and durable?

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Hi waterox,

I'll check with the boss when she decides to get out of bed, used to work in fabrics at Heelas, she'll probably have a fair idea.




Sorry no use whatsoever, first answer was lycra, then followed up to say a knitted not woven fabric is much stretchier, try John Lewis [not Heelas anymore] or Fabricland, and ask.



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Hi there,


I'm currently working on a project where we're using stretchy fabric.

It is a mix of polyester and lycra and called Acrobat.


We're using it for interior lining work (lots of curvy shapes).


Its certainly quite durable, but I would recommend talking to Architen Landrell in Chepstow for further advice.

Website: Architen Landrell





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A ribbed knitted fabric may give you more stretch one way than Lycra though it is frequently more stretch across the ribs than down them. Knitted fabrics also become relatively more see-through than a woven Lycra the more you stretch them and they will start to loose their ability to return to their original shape quicker.


The advantage of knits is that they frequently come as tubes where as Lycra will require sewing which will be its weakest and least stretchable point.

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I've seen a dance piece involving dancers being 'born' through some stretchy body-stocking type tubes made from the same stuff that elastic bandages are made from. I've no idea where to get it from though - perhaps medical suppliers?
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