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Advice needed

Scotty B

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Hi everybody. OK, basically I'd really appreciate some advice on the industry and how to get into it. I work as an electrician onsite and in industrial or domestic buildlings. I am qualified up to C&G 2360 Part 2 and have nearly three years experience, but I really want to work within the entertainment industry as a lighting technician/electrician. I have some experince of working in shows in a backstage capacity but only a few shows and I was mainly a set mover. I'm 24 years old and to be honest I have no clue how to go about making this change in my career so any help would be greatly appreciated. Also is it possible to make this change without going to college again?


Thanks in advance.

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I you're a 'real' sparkie, to be honest that's quite attractive for a theatre employer. To gain experience quickly, while you probably have a proper job, get in wit local groups and see if your local pro theatre need any people on their stage or lx team. You're old enough to be taken seriously, and the little bit of experience can soon grow. Most of the straight from school/college/uni routes into the business would drive you mad after real work, so I'd suggest just going for it. The key features are theatre terminology and practice. You're capable of doing pretty well most of the LX tasks, but don't have the equipment or process knowledge. Jargon is important. People hrow it around and if you understand it, you're in - if you keep saying"er, what" you're out. So read around the library, and the net. There are some really good books from ET website here that will introduce you to the terminology and practices.
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Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I've been looking at that website and I'll definately be getting some books from there in the next day or two, that's a great help, cheers. I'm quite close to wimbledon theatre so I guess that'll be the next point of call for me. I'll also be getting in touch with the group I worked for before to see if they need some help. The only downer being that they only do two productions a year which could see me waiting awhile but it's worth a shot. Do you know of any websites that cater soley to the industry? I know of mandy.com and thestage, but are there any others?



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