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XLR Patchbays


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Connected to what?


Canford do a variety, including a new range which have jack sockets on the back for interconnections. 45-176 or 177 at £76 each. Not used them so I can't comment on quality or usability.




45-001 Punched panel for D series connectors £16.


Or do you need a full install of cabling, trunking and infrastructure?

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Thanks for all the replies so far - just looking through them now....


it is just to go through the wall basically into the 'playing rom' from the control room the other side of the wall - so I suppose we need 2 patchbays and a multicore of some kind. I was hoping a company could come in to do the install - making it soundproof etc. etc.




P.S. When we do a 'location record', however we would need a multicore to get mics to mix point - could this be used from the same item, or is it best kept separate?

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Could you do the job with a standard multicore "snake", with a hole in the wall to pass the XLRs through when in the studio? Perhaps build a wooden box to cover the hole, with some acoustic wadding if necessary.


This might be a lot cheaper than my previous suggestion!

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