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Video Content Royalties

dave singleton

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.....and if as usually happens, someone wants to video the production


I do :unsure:


then you'll require the consent of all the above in order to do it.


Just in case you know the answer Wuddy, do you think that a camera guy employed by the company is blameless just by him stating that the company should gain such consent. And, if they haven't its on their heads.


Very nice post, btw, Tom.

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Ultimately legally it's the responsibility of whoever comissioned the footage (ie the people who said "lets record this show") that would be legally responsible if rights clearance etc hadn't been sorted to film the show (and that includes sign'd permission from EVERY person who appears on it) however ignorance is no defence and I'm quite sure if you went ahead and filmed knowing that no clearance had been sought you'd be morally responsible and could probably be party to any legal actions that may arrise. If nothing else in the event of a raid by copyright enforcement type people it's YOUR camera that would be impounded and you'd be the one on the front line getting it in the neck.


If I may be blunt you really NEED to get yourself on a film-makers course or some sort of cameraman training because the sorts of questions and statement's you're making suggest that right now there's a whole load of important stuff you don't even know that you don't know and you could end up making a lot of mistakes and loosing a lot of time learning as you go along. Even a basic film-making course or cameraman training would give you a much better grasp of how the industry works and help you become a better, more succesful and higher paid cameraman.



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Ultimately legally it's the responsibility of whoever comissioned the footage


Thats what I thought. Yet, I didn't want to presume. I'm awaiting feedback from MCPS-PRs, and will be contacting PPL soon after.


if you went ahead and filmed knowing that no clearance had been sought


Well, I wouldn't. But thanks for making the consequences so clear.


Even a basic film-making course or cameraman training would give you a much better grasp of how the industry works


Well, thank you for being so blunt. In my defence, copyright and licenses are not something I deal with. That's why I'm here, so that I can learn. Just like a lot of other subjects I don't know about.



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Copyright lawyers make a lot of money, because very few of us understand it. How about this for daftness. You shoot some video of a celebrity emerging from a posh london hotel, you sell the images to somebody and it appears on TV a few times. Then despite your own impression that free advertising is good for the hotel, they present you with a location shooting invoice. This appears to be quite legit - buildings and businesses can claim that you used them as a 'location' without permission! What a crazy world.
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