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Amp Speaker Combination?


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Hi Guys!

Just a quick nugget of advice needed! I'm advising a mate who is upgrading his sound system! His previous kit was a pair of Behringer B300 active speakers. He has a pair of EV ZX5's now and is looking for a reasonable power amp!

I have a QSC CX404 which he wants to buy. The plan is to run this amp in Bridge mode so it will give a reasonable output to the ZX5's. Is this a sensible option for him? Sure I want to shift the amp, but I don't want to give him something unreliable!

Any thoughts? BTW, the system is used for caberet stuff in pubs etc, backing tracks and a couple of mics.


Thanks in advance!



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In bridged mode, the amp outputs 800W in to 8 ohms; the cabs are rated at 600W so it's not too bad a match. Something with a bit more welly would be good, but as long as the system is run sensibly, it should be alright.
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In bridged mode, the amp outputs 800W in to 8 ohms; the cabs are rated at 600W so it's not too bad a match. Something with a bit more welly would be good, but as long as the system is run sensibly, it should be alright.


For one speaker. A pair of speakers will require a pair of these amps.

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But surely the CX404 is a quad amp? Each quad is bridgeable so if you've only two speakers, you can bridge each quad to give a pair of stereo amps.


Either way it will be a vast improvement on the B300's which are not liked by anyone I know.

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