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Schools Will Rock You Video Projections


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I am looking to source the video projections used, or simlar to, in We Will Rock You. Does anyone know if this comes with the Registration pack, or will need tto be found or created.


Sorry if this is elsewhere, I did search, as Schools Will Rock You is a popular topic.

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I almost 100% expect you will not get the original footage used in the West End production, and I doubt anything similar will be available off the shelf. My suggestion is a video camera for the Killer Queen bits and speak to your Media Department about the other visuals - I expect they have software capable of knocking something up.
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I almost 100% expect you will not get the original footage used in the West End production, and I doubt anything similar will be available off the shelf. My suggestion is a video camera for the Killer Queen bits and speak to your Media Department about the other visuals - I expect they have software capable of knocking something up.



Sadly we have no media department, so all videos I will have to create... I can make the opening on flash, the others are mainly for eye candy, but are much harder to make. im also lighting designing and controling as well as this, possibly, so im trying to sort this out early.

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I'd like to see somebody do a production of we will rock you, without the use of video.


however, for the lots of people walking clip, (im sure there was one) I used to have a program called Poser, which essentially allowed me to model people, and animate them in 3D. I dont know if this still exists, or is even affordable.


I think one of the best ways to get what you want, is to go out and film some bits with a camera. be creative.




good luck



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The visuals are not included in the registration pack or available through SWRY. If nothing else the dimensions of the graphics are designed specifically for the screens in the west end (mostly wide and short) and so would not fit anything that the majority of schools and amateur shows would have available. Also the control software required for splitting the images across multiple displays is well beyond the capabilities of most schools so any visuals would have to be specifically designed for smaller scale productions.


The strategy that I am going with is to take inspiration from but not try and copy the west end visuals. The screens are part of the ethos of the show in that they represent the technology driven world of Globalsoft, but a lot of the time in the London show they are used as backdrops to set the scene which could be done in other ways.


My current plan for our production is to use screens for:


1) the various video links (bikini wax, outside wembley etc) to give the impression of Globalsoft being omnipresent

2) showing globalsoft logos in the corporate scenes

3) possibly in a similar way to London for Seven Seas of Rye with the brain reprogramming - though probably something more like a plasma plate (similar to Seven-of-nine's regeneration cell in star trek voyager)


Other than that most of the scenic elements will be achieved in other ways.

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I'd like to see somebody do a production of we will rock you, without the use of video.


This is what we did, have a look around youtube (I would link but am at work where youtube is blocked :/ ) for videos by studavidson. We didn't miss the video one bit, in fact it freed us up to experiment and do the thing from scratch, not try and copy a big bucks west end show, as well as not costing us a fortune in hiring in AV gear.


Afterwards, I spoke to some of the folks who had seen the show and they didn't miss the video one bit, even those who had seen it in the West End.

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