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lighting cues and midi sequencers


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I'd like to know if it's at all possible to use a music sequencer package such as Logic Audio to run lighting cues.

If not, does anyone know if there's some way of integrating this kind of software into a DMX network?


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Many low-end lighting controllers will respond to MIDI note-on and note-off messages, which Logic can happily record and play back. There are even dimmer packs out there that speal MIDI natively for just this purpose, meaning that Logic is the lighting controller.


Many high-end lighting controllers accept MIDI Time Code (MTC), and thus will syncronise with Logic; in this case the lighting control is all done on the lighting controller, Logic just provides timing.


When I say "controller" there are also PC (and maybe Mac as well, as a Logic user, you're probably a Mac kinda guy) packages that provide lighting controller functionality.


Could you be a little more specific about what sort of lighting you want to control; theres a big difference between a few PAR38s and a couple of hundred of vari*lites...

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(and maybe Mac as well, as a Logic user, you're probably a Mac kinda guy)


If you're a Mac user have a look at Qlab (do a search on the mac website should do it.) It's free, and will probably do what you want. It can trigger audio files as well. I've never used it personally, but I've seen it used triggering audio and lighting desk, as there were something like 150-200 snap cues in a 15 minute dance piece.

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The problem is that QLab is solving the wrong end of the problem; the OP has the bits that QLab can do done already with Logic. QLab can't directly control lights; the best it can do is to do what Logic can already do.


Of course, it may be that the OP is misusing Logic to do what any of the cue-list based control packages (including QLab) will do. Or, it may be that Logic is doing stuff that none of the cuelist based controlers do. Hopefully, we'll get to find out.....

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