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Has anyone had any dealings with any DDA desks and what are they like?


The ones that I've played with have been very good and I know that they have a good reputation for sound quality. Any DDA desk is going to be a few years old so maintenance should be considered if you are thinking of buying one. I've not used any of them for live use though.





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Just sold our DDA CS8 (Midas built), a brilliant desk.

Some of the interface desks were made in Germany by Dynacord and could have reliability problems but still sounded good.

EQ very responsive on all desks, clean sounding desks, ours was 8 years old when we sold it.




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Has anyone had any dealings with any DDA desks and what are they like?


What exactly do you need to know? DDA made quite a wide range of desks, from the S & Q through the Q2, Forum and Interfaces to CS8s before they were subsumed into Midas and KT. IMHO the earlier desks were pretty bullet proof and very nice sounding for theatres (one of first to have LCR mix controls) wasn't so keen on the CS8s etc but then you see some of the equivalent desks of that ilk now and they, whilst less feature packed, were sturdy, reliable and OK sounding.


A few clues as to what you need to know and about which console might help with the advice



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I've used several models of DDA on a number of occasions and always quite liked them.


Coming at it from a different direction, the cheap Midas boards (Verona and Sienna) owe quite a lot of their design to the acquisition of DDA.


However, to give any more information we need more information about what you're asking and why. As is always the case, specific questions are more likely to get useful answers.



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