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I've done radio shows over the web, not a whole station but just a few hours of broadcast in an evening to 40 or so people. I needed my PC running SAM3 (you could do it in WinAMP but SAM3 is much better!), a server running shoutcast software (could do this with PC also if you've got mega fast internets) and a microphone. That's all!
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...a server running shoutcast software (could do this with PC also if you've got mega fast internets)...


Almost all home internet packages will be asymmetrical, with mega amounts of downstream bandwidth and relatively tiny amounts of upstream bandwidth available in comparison. You'd get about 3-4 people tuned before it all went pear-shaped on most home internet packages.


(Of course I assume that this is happening from home and not some office or place of work which is well-connected!)

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Depending on how many users you think will be listening it can be easy or easy.. if that makes sense ** laughs out loud **.


You can use shoutcast for a few users, I started with this but when we got down to actually going live we bought a server not sure on spec now but was fairly cheap and you can select how many users you will need and what quality of sound...


I would recommend SAM Broadcasting as it's simple to use and no mixer or any thing like that is needed as it's all done from your PC.


But if it's 4/5 friends listening you should be able to use you home internet connection (depending on speed and bandwidth etc.) and use shoutcast.




On a site you can test your connection and it will tell you how many listeners you could have and the quality, I’m not sure of the site now but if I find it I will post it up.


Just a legal side to it... you would need a license to play songs, but I see alot of people don't.


Have a play that's how I started.




Edit: Spelling :)

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You can use shoutcast for a few users, I started with this but when we got down to acctualy going live we bought a server not sure on spec now but was fairly cheap and you can select how many users you will need and what quality of sound...


I don't mean to be pedantic :), but 'shoutcast' refers to the server/source application, and thus your server most probably runs ShoutCAST (or Icecast, or another server application). ShoutCAST will scale quite well, certainly far beyond the 'few users' that you suggest.

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Ye thanks for correcting me there, been a while since I have used it.


I should have said your home connection should be ok for a few users but if your looking for more than your connectiong can handle you would have to look into a server.


I would suggest SAM Broadcasting to winamp, but if your on a budget winamp would suit you as it's free.


Sorry for some false info there to confuse you even more. :)

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