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Apollo Goes Green


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Apollo goes green

USA - Apollo Design Technology announces it has changed its metal gobo production process from chemical etching to laser technology. The chemicals used in the etching process qualified Apollo as a "large waste generator" in Indiana. Changing technologies eliminates thousands of gallons of annual waste.


"While everyone at Apollo shares a concern for the environment and workplace safety, switching technologies could not happen overnight," states company founder and president Joel Nichols. "We have been transitioning into this new process for over a year to ensure laser technology met or exceeded the quality and service standards our customers have come to expect from Apollo. We are extremely pleased to be delivering our products in a cleaner, safer way."

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Congrat's. I've been trying for months. How's the marketing going? :D


I am surprised how many calls and emails came in to Apollo regarding this positive move since the press release came out. It's good to be one of the very few gobo makers NOT producing increasing amounts of spent feric acid. We'll see if anyone follows the lead-




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To be honest I'd assumed most gobos had been laser cut for ages. Round here it seems like every man and his dog has a laser cutter and the price has really come down both new and second hand. Were there any major stumbling blocks or was it just a case of having to get all the new systems in place? I guess if I had given the scale you must manufacture on a thought it does seem logical that it would take a while.
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