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Broken pin on motor board


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Hi there.


Have been fixing one of my scanners today, gobos out of align, just as I had it all fixed and it was working perfectly I was screwing everything back together.


One of the pins on the motor board where one of the leads connects to has come off. Looks like I need a new piece for the motor board. So now the motor sends the colour wheel all over the place.


Anyone have any ideas???


Light is a Mojo scaN 2

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Ok, this could be tricky! I would personally strip down the motor and solder the wires directly to the board. The problem is that stripping down the stepper is fiddly, it must be reassembled with the utmost cleanliness, the insides are highly magnetic and a single speck of swarf will jam it solid.


I suppose the official line would be to replace the motor and that's probably what the manufacturer would do...good luck.

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The obvious one is the Geni importer..which is LED Distribution. Whether they will want to deal with small DJ stuff is another matter!! Maybe a Geni DJ retailer will help..I would think LED will be able to give you some leads in your area.


The motor may be a generic..I cant advise as I've not had one through the workshop. If it is, you can get them from places like CPC or Farnell but they won't be plug-in, you'll have to decipher the type, lead colours etc, not for the inexperienced..but likely to something like this:


cpc motor


These BTW are ok in Martin 812's etc but are not suitable for just anything!

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Oh. I just tried the link and it went straight to it!

They are £25.60 including the VAT, the postage from there is about 3.99 extra or so!


Might be worth keeping an eye on ebay for a scrap or battered one, there's bound to be a good motor in there somewhere.

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