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Strand Action 48 desk faults


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Hi Can anyone helpMy lighting desk from the stone Age desk has stoped alowing enyone record anything to memory.Any suggestions :rolleyes:I Know the desk above is old but management dont really want to buy a new one. but if anybody that has a stradd LBX lying about would be most apreciated. Or any desk similar to the LBX witha a D54 out on it ;)
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Yes that was the first thing I checked , but just thinking before I forget for about three months before it stoped working if the power to the desk was killed the memory will go all funny and set the memory that 90% of the channels were set on each memory. but if power was left on, the recorded memories would stay as they are. do you suggest buying a new desk. ;)
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If you have the money to buy one, or perhaps more importantly. don't have the money to waste getting an ancient one repaired - then buying a new one is perhaps better value for money. If you have he expertise to fix it yourself, then I'd do it - but paying somebody to fix it is more difficult, especially as it may take a lot of fault finding and this will cost. Only you can decide if it's worth it. I've got an old M24 from the same era that is beyond what I'd call economic repair - possibly a simple fault, but I couldn't crack it - and everyone better than me that I asked said NO WAY very quickly.


The real snag for you is that you are gong to have to buy either a DMX to D54 converter - expensive, or a DMX to analogue converter maybe a bit cheaper - if you want to use a modern piece of kit.

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Anyone got a Strand LBX for sale ;)


I've a Compulite DMX-D54 convertor sitting on a shelf collecting dust (actually in a nice clean cupboard, but you get my drift) from a similar situation that I'd be willing to let go at a very reasonable rate PM me if interested, or anyone else for that matter!



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I believe from menory that Action desks were designed such that if something happened with the software, the hardware would keep running such that channel control of lighting was still possible.

Consoles that I've come across that exhibited these problems were down to either track fractures or Gal failures.

Battery failure would not stop the console from operating once the scrambled memory had been initialised. I think this was accessed by the diagnostics menu but cannot be sure if you could also initialise it from the front panel.

There are a few places where you can still get console that generate D54 (Gemini, M24 etc) should you not have the means to get more up to date equipment.

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