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microphone cases?


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I'm looking for a couple of good quality off-the-shelf microphone cases, to hold approx. 12 SM58s/57s each, plus space for the clips. The search function hasn't turned up anything useful, might just be poor google-fu on my part though.


This from Blue Aran is closest to what we have now, except with precut 58-sized foam, and I'm fed up of binning them annually. Normally I just swap the foam insert into an aluminium tool case as we have loads in our store room, but I'm running out of them finally and want something a bit more hardwearing.


These two from 10outof10 look quite good, does anyone have any experience of using them?


I'm also looking at getting custom cases done before everyone suggests that!

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The seccond mic case on this page looks alot similar to the seccond on 10outof10 but is about £70 cheaper


Except that it looks smaller, and much less well built. Going on the pictures, that sort of case I'd be happy to use for a "car boot" PA which I load myself. The 10 outof 10 one I'd use on a tour & "chuck" it in a truck. :** laughs out loud **:

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I had a good look at terralec, and their cases mostly looked the same sort of build quality as the ones I'm binning, maybe a little better but not up to the spec I was looking for. To be fair, when I say they're lasting a year that's cases starting with a bit of wear.


The 10outof10 ones look like they're decent touring spec cases (chuck-it-in-a-truck sorta things), but the pic isn't too great. I'll email them tomorrow and see if they have any better ones.

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I've got one of these. pretty strong. The 24 mic version I have has twin catches hat appear to be well made, the case has 12 dense foam holes each side of a centre compartment that I use for the mic clips and odds and ends. It it quite heavy, but I can recommend them.
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